下面的GoogleSheets公式位于我的GoogleSheet的A1列中。此公式在列A和B中创建数据。我需要将此数据转置为一行 =GOOGLEFINANCE(A2,"price",TODAY()-30,TODAY()) =TRANSPOSE(GOOGLEFINANCE(A2,"price",TODAY()-30,TODAY()))转置公式成功地将2列中的数据转 ...
GOOGLEFINANCEGOOGLEFINANCE(证券代码, 属性, 起始日期, 结束日期 | 天数, 间隔)从Google 财经获取有价证券的当前或历史信息。O网页链接 Google Sheets自家出品的Google函数 类型 名称 语法 说明GoogleARRAYFORMULAARRAYFORMULA(数组公式)支持将数组公式返回的值在多行和/或多列中显示,并支持在非数组函数中使用数组。O...
Being able to pull data into a spreadsheet so that you can work with it is a fundamental need for financial professionals. Google Sheets offers a number of built-in formulas that do this, such as theGooglefinance formula, which lets you pull data directly from Google Finance. Although not c...
Looking for advise on changing a =googlefinance formula to work in excel with out the dummy function conversion. The google finance formula is for a 52 week performance of a stock that will only use one cell. =GOOGLEFINANCE(A2,"price") / index(GOOGLEFINANCE(A2,"price", datevalue(today()...
Finance formulas: Specific finance-related formulas (like GOOGLEFINANCE) have limitations on the number of refreshes per day. While there's no exact published number, excessive refreshes can be temporarily blocked to prevent server overload. ImportRange, ImportData, ImportHtml, ImportFeed, or ImportXm...
Finansu (https://github.com/brymck/finansu) is an open-source Excel add-in with a variety of finance related tools, including stock quote UDF functions. Here's an open-source add-in that gives you UDFs for the Yahoo service:https://pmstockquote.codeplex.com/ ...
是指在使用Google Sheets时遇到的与公式相关的问题。Google Sheets是一款基于云计算的电子表格软件,类似于Microsoft Excel,可以用于数据分析、数据处理、数据可视化等任务。 配方问题可能涉及到公式的编写、公式的调试、公式的优化等方面。下面是对配方问题的一些常见问题和解答: ...
GOOGLEFINANCE(A2,"price",TODAY()-30,TODAY()) =TRANSPOSE(GOOGLEFINANCE(A2,"price",TODAY()-30,TODAY())) 转置公式成功地将我的问题是,有没有办法将两列数据转换成一行--我一直在寻找Google Sheets的 浏览11提问于2019-06-23得票数 1 回答已采纳 2回答 如何在Python中使用gspread (或任何其他包)将...
No, you will always need dates in the GOOGLEFINANCE formula to get the results you want. But you can tie the date to today's date, so you don't need to change the formula. Try this: DATE(YEAR(TODAY()),1,1), DATE(YEAR(TODAY()),12,31), "DAI...
iii)for the purposes of deduction of tax under28[section194LBAor]28a[section 194LBBor section 194LBC or]section 195, the rate or rates of income-tax specified in this behalf in the Finance Act of the relevant year or the rate or rates of income-tax specified in29[an agreement entered ...