列出两种货币之间的一周汇率 选择一个单元格,即单元格A6,以输入要列出的一周的第一个日期,然后在要放置结果的空白单元格中,键入此公式= GOOGLEFINANCE(“ CURRENCY:USDGBP”,“ price”,A6,A6 + 7,“ DAILY”)(在公式中,A6是一周的第一个日期,A6 + 7表示列出接下来7天的货币汇率,USDGBP表示将USD转换为G...
我们将使用 Python、Google Sheets 和 Google Finance。在第 1 部分中,我们将了解如何配置 Google Sheet...
Google offers the ability to automatically update a spreadsheet with the current price information, so I have again rewritten the spreadsheet to work with Google Sheets. It does mean that one needs to have a Google account (free, of course), but hopefully, the information Google offers will co...
A custom function to supplement GOOGLEFINANCE so data is always available and unsupported stocks can get price/name/yield data. As you can guess from the name, data is cached so when '#N/A' appears it does not mess up your asset history logging/graphing. ...
document.write("current price:"+elements[3]); 这段代码输出大秦铁路(股票代码:601006)的当前股价 current price:14.20 如果你要同时查询多个股票,那么在URL最后加上一个逗号,再加上股票代码就可以了;比如你要一次查询大秦铁路(601006)和大同煤业(601001)的行情,就这样使用URL: ...
* The Google finance exchange scraping spider can solve these tasks: * 1) It can scrape the majority (or even all) companies from google finance without getting blocked or detected. * 2) It can scrape the current or last price of the stock and will add the correct timestamp of this pri...
可以看出Health and Fitness和Books and Reference这两类中高质量的app更多,其中50%的app评分大于4.5。相反,Dating中50%的apps评分低于平均值,Lifestyle,Family和Finance中也有一些低分apps。 通过对app大小与评分进行分析,可以发现大部分高分app的内存在2~40MB之间,即不太小也不太大。
Looking for a portfolio tracker to replace Google Finance Portfolio? Find out how these popular alternatives compare to choose the best tracker for you. Portfolio trackers make it easy to view your entire portfolio in one place. They're especially helpful if you have investments with more than ...
=GOOGLEFINANCE("CURRENCY:USDJMD", "price", DATE(2018,1,1)) Make changes to the function to fit your needs where possible. 3] Get live stock prices If you ever need access to live stock prices, you can easily do this from within Google Sheets. In order to showcase live stock data,...