Google Code是Google利用自身服务器资源提供的开发人员主页,最初目的是为Google自身的开源软件提供开发平台,以及协助开发者扩展Google产 品的功能。随着托管项目的增多,Google Code正在成为一个开放的项目托管平台,并提供了类似于Sourceforge的版本控制、问题跟踪、Wiki、下载托管和其他有用的工具。 目前该平台托管项目已经...
Google File System,简称GFS,是一个可扩展的分布式文件系统,用于大型的、分布式的、对大量数据进行访问的应用。它运行于廉价的普通硬件上,并提供容错功能。它可以给大量的用户提供总体性能较高的服务。 [编辑] GFS设计概览 ⑴设计想定 GFS与过去的分布式文件系统有很多相同的目标,但GFS的设计受到了当前及预期的应用方... 5-eyes a privacy focused email list system that does not track you, nor your members. It is not open source. Data is hosted on one central server but the server is encrypted. It has modern email group features such as a wiki, integrations, and RSS import support. Use other ...
Conf file GooGet has the ability to use a conf file to change a few of the default settings. Place a file named googet.conf in the googet root, which by default isC:\ProgramData\GooGetand configurable by the-rootflag. proxyserver: http://address_to_proxy:port archs: [noarch, x86_64...
Wiki Security Insights Additional navigation options main 25Branches29Tags Code Folders and files Name Last commit message Last commit date Latest commit sofisl chore: add deprecation notice to library (#454) Jun 14, 2024 f13c511·Jun 14, 2024 ...
google-closure-compiler -O ADVANCED rollup.js --js_output_file rollup.min.js NOTE: The output below is just an example and not kept up-to-date. TheFlags and Options wiki pageis updated during each release. To see all of the compiler's options, type: ...
mount-zip[options]zip-file[mount-point] DESCRIPTION mount-zipmounts a ZIP archive as a read-onlyFUSE filesystem. It starts quickly, uses little memory, decodes encrypted files, and provides on-the-go decompression and caching for maximum efficiency. ...
The Matomo project uses an ever-expanding comprehensive set of thousands of unit tests and hundreds of automated integration tests, system tests, JavaScript tests, and screenshot UI tests, running on a continuous integration server as part of its software quality assurance.Learn more. ...
provides a unique id for the module independent from the filesystem and compatible with the existing dependency management Bundling goog.module files with other javascript. When the code is evaluated, it is wrapped in a function to create the module scope. For bundling it would look like: ...