Google 云端硬盘为您提供一个安全可靠的平台,有了它,您可以通过任何设备备份和访问自己的所有文件。您还可以轻松邀请他人查看、编辑您的任何文件或文件夹,或在其中添加评论。 借助云端硬盘,您可以: • 存储和访问文件,随时随地,安全无虞 • 快速访问最近使用的文件和重要文件 ...
指定Google Cloud Storage的版本。 Type:string (或 expression with resultType string) 。 TypeScript 複製 version?: any 屬性值 any 繼承的屬性詳細資料fileName 指定數據集的檔案名。 Type:string (或 expression with resultType string) 。 TypeScript 複製 fileName?: any 屬性值 any 繼承自Dataset...
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Gmail 是一款直观、高效、实用的电子邮件应用。免费提供15GB存储空间,垃圾邮件更少,而且支持移动访问。 一个帐户,畅享 Google所有服务! 登录即可继续使用 Gmail
Storage storage = StorageOptions.getDefaultInstance().getService(); BlobId blobId = BlobId.of(bucket_name, file_name); BlobInfo blobInfo = BlobInfo.newBuilder(blobId).setContentType("text/plain").build(); Blob blob = storage.create(blobInfo, readFile().getBytes(UTF_8)); } 查看完整回答...
Use kubectl to create the deployment with that file. Create a docker image from the Dockerfile and upload it to Cloud Storage. Create a Deployment YAML file to point to that image. Use kubectl to create the deployment with that file.⬆ Back to Top...
Storage apps Securely store and access files using Google Drive and Google Sites. Use the Google Cloud search app to locate files or documents across the entire Google Workspace. Productivity apps Improve productivity in your small business by using Google Calendar to manage appointments and schedule...
me \ (premiumizeme) 50 / seafile \ (seafile) Storage> 18 Option client_id. Google Application Client Id Setting your own is recommended. See for how to create your own. If you leave this blank, it will use an internal key which ...
Specify the bucketName of Google Cloud Storage. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). FileName Specify the file name of dataset. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). (Inherited from DatasetLocation) FolderPath Specify the folder path of dataset. Type: string ...