Parents can use Family Link to set restrictions on how children browse the web. Controls include filters for mature websites, although Google acknowledges that some offensive sites may get through. You can also allow andblock specific sites. Kids can ask for permission to visit a site on the ...
Setting up automated alerts in the Google Family Link app only takes a minute or two, and you'll have some serious peace of mind once it's all done. Here's how to set up those alerts. Sponsored Links 携带象牙及象牙制品出境是违法的!东京都 1. Open the Google Family Link app on your...
on security, and features designed for learning. Parents and guardians can use Family Link to block apps on Chromebooks, set screen time limits, and manage their student’s personal and school Google Accounts.Google Workspace for Education Google Workspace for Education is a suite of easy-to-...
家人群组中的家长可以使用 Family Link 管理孩子的 Google 帐号设置。 检查孩子的 Google 账号设置 作为 Family Link 的家长管理员,您可以从多个方面管控孩子的在线体验。 使用 Family Link 管理孩子的 Google Play 活动 重要提示:Family Link 的购买批准设置仅适用于通过
If the kid doesn’t have one, you’ll need to create one for them to use Family Link. Your child’s Google account needs to be a part of your family network. If you don’t do this beforehand, Family Link will force you to do so during set-up, and it’s way easier to do it...
The next step is to download the Google Family Link app for Android or iOS—this is where you can monitor how your children are using their devices, and put limits on that usage if needed. Photograph: David Nield These features and controls only work if your kids are using Android devices...
将Google 相册的强大功能与第三方应用集成,以便您可以更加轻松地访问、编辑、打印、备份照片以及执行更多操作。 了解详情 查看其他 Google 产品 图库精简版 智能轻巧且便捷快速的照片及视频库 了解详情 照片扫描仪 扫描并保存您最喜爱的打印照片 了解详情 ...
第一步:在手机上设置 Family Link 要开始使用 Family Link,您需要先在手机上安装它 。现在就去做吧。另外,请确保随身携带小赫伯特的电话。 注意:如果您的孩子已有 Google 帐户,您需要设置一个新帐户。事后无法将旧帐户转换为孩子的帐户。 启动Family Link 应用程序。它从几页应用程序的全部内容开始。扫过这些家伙...
对家长来说,如何平衡孩子们的上网安全和培养健康的用网习惯,始终是个难题。作为两个孩子(一个 10 岁,一个 14 岁)的家长,我每天都在为此操心。幸好有 Family Link 这个工具,它既能让我们在必要时进行管控,…
你可以透過 Family Link 執行以下操作: 建立數位裝置基本使用規則 • 設定裝置使用時間限制:Family Link 可讓你為孩子的裝置設定休息時間以及應用程式使用時間限制,協助他們找到健康生活的平衡點。 • 引導孩子觀看適齡內容:Family Link 可讓你核准或封鎖孩子想要下載的應用程式。此外,還可以透過 YouTube 受監督模式...