The music industry hasa sudden interest in being very ESG. The public messaging on the “Music Climate Pact” seems to focus on all aspects of the music business EXCEPT streaming. Now why might that be? It may be because streaming is about the least ESG music and movie distribution method ...
The Commitment of Traders Report is a weekly report from the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) that provides insights into the positions of market participants in various markets. Our Commitment of Traders Report tool makes it easy to access and analyze this valuable data, helping you to...
In our empirical analysis, the choice of the stocks under examination is based on the criteria that the estimated liquidity measure is non-zero, suggesting that actual trading occurs every day in our sample period. For the Google Trends indicator, we construct an indicator that equals to log(e...
Keywords: knowledge synthesis; epistemology; breakthrough knowledge; domain-specific knowledge; web-based search; grounded theory; Bradford Hill criteria; association; causation; mediation 1. Introduction Great minds throughout human history have endeavored to understand the nature of knowledge, which forms...