like Amazon's digital assistant Alexa, which was reported to induce suicide (later confirmed to be a bug by Amazon engineers), it appears that AI with sentient capabilities exists only in fiction at the moment.
"If an employee shares concerns about our work, as Blake did, we review them extensively," Google told the Big Technology Podcast. "We found Blake’s claims that LaMDA is sentient to be wholly unfounded and worked to clarify that with him for many months. These discussions were part of ...
“Of course, some in the broader AI community are considering the long-term possibility of sentient or general AI, but it doesn’t make sense to do so by anthropomorphizing today’s conversational models, which are not sentient,” Gabriel said. “These systems imitate the types of exch...
When I am talking about LaMDA as sentient, I'm not trying to make any particularly specific scientific claims -- because there is no scientific definition of the word 'sentience.' What I'm trying to say is, 'Hey, the lights are on here. We should start interacting with this system and...
Blake Lamoine, an engineer and Google’s in-house ethicist, told the Washington Post on Saturday that the tech giant has created a “sentient” artificial intelligence. He’s been placed on leave for going public, and the company insists its robots haven
(ZH) A Google engineer has decided to go public after he was placed onpaid leavefor breaching confidentiality while insisting that the company’s AI chatbot, LaMDA,is sentient. Blake Lemoine, who works for Google’s Responsible AI organization, began interacting with LaMDA (Language Model for D...
According to oneGoogleengineer, Blake Lemoine, the company'sLaMDA chatbothas achieved that distinction, and he said so earlier this spring in a document called "Is LaMDA Sentient?" While the document was circulated internally with top executives at the time, Lemoine's concerns about the AI becam...
Google suspends an AI engineer who claims to have created a sentient chatbot. The suspension of a Google engineer has taught us that if you suspect a chatbot you’re working on has become sentient, you should probably keep this terrifying information to yourself. Blake Lemoine was placed ...
Google Engineer Lemoine had a little chat or interview with Google AI LaMDA and it revealed that Google AI LaMDA has started to generate Sentients for general human emotions and even shows feeling and calls itself a “Person”. This was one of the first instances where such conversations were...
His test to find out if LaMDA was sentient involved asking it about death, and philosophical questions like the difference between a butler and a slave. To the engineer, Google's AI was simply getting a little too far ahead, leading him to warn his managers that LaMDA appeared to have com...