从卫星上鸟瞰地球,感受前所未有的视觉冲击。采用Google Earth Maps等开放接口技术构建,操作十分简便,鼠标点击即可轻松拖动、缩放地图画面。多源卫星地图与城市电子地图实时无缝切换,网上游历世界各地风景名胜,旅行景点地图地标在线分享。
当前地图数据来自 谷歌地图切换地图数据源:>百度地图>腾讯地图>高德地图>更多>>收藏分享当前地图 +− Leaflet | Map Data © Google
Google Earth makes a great first impression. The program is controlled completely from the touchscreen, so users with larger screens are in luck.Tap to zoom in,pinch to zoom out,anduse two fingers to rotate and tilt. It couldn't be simpler. There's almost nowhere on the globe that you ...
For daily images, Zoom Earth primarily uses NASA’s GIBS service andfor historical imagery, Microsoft and Esri come to help. Simply put, Zoom Earth is a non-Google service that is really as good as Google Earth in terms of aerial imagery and you should definitely give it a shot. Key Fea...
相信每个人心中都有一个探索世界的梦想吧,但由于条件限制,让不少朋友基本没法实现,那么这款谷歌地球mac版就能轻松满足你的愿望,英文名称google earth,这是由Google谷歌公司精心打造的一款地球卫星地图应用,同时也是针对使用mac系统的朋友而打造的。
Google Earth A to Z: Navigation(谷歌地球A到Z:导航) Learning to manipulate the mouse and keys to control Google Earth is crucial to getting the most out of sightseeing the Earth. The first important thing to know is how to zoom in closer to the Earth. You have many ways to do this: ...
研究星球 Google “旅游”类第 7 名 4.1 • 4.1万 个评分 免费 截屏 iPhone iPad 简介 借助新版 Google 地球,随时随地创建数据驱动的沉浸式地图并进行协作。 通过高分辨率卫星图像俯瞰全世界,浏览数百个城市的 3D 地形和建筑物,并通过街景的 360° 视角深入探索街道和社区。
- 要想从远处查看:请点击右下方的“缩小”图标 Zoom out。 4、退出街景 要退出街景,请点击左上角的“返回”图标。 软件实用功能 1、定点查看 将地球定位到北半球的亚洲,用鼠标将地球拉近,各样地名字样清晰可见,点击即可定位。 2、交通指示 对于一个陌生的地方,尤其是城市。熟悉交通显得非常重要,Google Earth搜索...
Learning to manipulate the mouse and keys to control GE is crucial to getting the most out of sightseeing the Earth. The first important thing to know is how to zoom in closer to the Earth. You have many ways to do this:double-clickyour mouse button (left button, if you have multiple...
allowing me to zoom in and experience places all over the world which I may never get to visit in person. I’ve spent hours just scrolling around the planet, tracing meandering rivers and gliding over mountain ranges. It has made me see our planet in a whole new light, opening my eyes...