(Google Earth),是谷歌公司开发的虚拟地球的应用软件,这是把地球的卫星照片,航测照片和地理信息GIS系统布置到一个巨大3D球体上,用户们可以下载该软件的客户端,就能免费浏览全球各地的高清晰度卫星图片,Google Earth是2005年全球100种最佳新产品之一。2006年微软也推出了...
BillGate在05年宣布提供MSN Virual Earth服务: MSN Virtual Earth To Take On Google Earth Microsoft sends news today that founder Bill Gates has announced a MSN Virtual Earth service is to debut in the summer. The service is promised to provide: Satellite images with 45-degree-angle views of bui...
BillGate在05年宣布提供MSN Virual Earth服务: MSN Virtual Earth To Take On Google Earth Microsoft sends news today that founder Bill Gates has announced a MSN Virtual Earth service is to debut in the summer. The service is promised to provide: Satellite images with 45-degree-angle views of bui...
而且,由于这里的功能和咱们以前用过的Google Earth完全一样,所以,相信大家上手应该是没有什么问题。 图1 2. 多样的地图浏览模式 而与Google Earth不同的是,Virtual Earth并没有完全采用卫星地图作为演示载体,而是将常规地图、卫星地图同时放置在了控制手柄上,用户可以根据自己的需要自行选用,而且切换起来十分迅速,如图...
微软最近发布了新版地图服务:虚拟3D地球“VirtualEarth3D”,可以让用户在浏览器内“飞翔”欣赏城市的立体模型,还能看到广告牌。 显然,微软的目标是Google的Google Earth,不过微软指出,VirtualEarth3D的定位略有不同,主要是提供现实世界的逼真模拟,通过照片构建真实、有质感的建筑模型,而不像Google那样提供真实的航空和卫星...
微软最近发布了新版地图服务:虚拟3D地球“VirtualEarth3D”,可以让用户在浏览器内“飞翔”欣赏城市的立体模型,还能看到广告牌。 显然,微软的目标是Google的Google Earth,不过微软指出,VirtualEarth3D的定位略有不同,主要是提供现实世界的逼真模拟,通过照片构建真实、有质感的建筑模型,而不像Google那样提供真实的航空和卫星...
Virtual Earth 3D view of this spot:Google Earth 3D view of this spot:As you can see the Virtual Earth view is way higher quality than the Google Earth view… it almost looks like the actual picture! Now if I could just find a way to run virtual ea...
Google Maps, Yahoo Maps, Microsoft Virtual Earth i Google Earth jako narzdzia do monitorowania ruchu statków ledzonych w systemie AIS The structure and principles of operation of the Automatic Identification System (AIS) of Vessels is presented in first part of the paper. The legislation, which...
“Now that Microsoft’s MSN Virtual Earth is live, the comparisons to Google Maps have begun,” Jon Udell wrote in his Weblog. “The blogosphere will soon sort out the relevant differences in terms of interactive controls, map coverage, and APIs.” In a later release of the produc...
osgEarth. Terrain on demand.简单来说:1、它构建于开源的渲染引擎OSG之上,自身也遵循类LGPL协议开源...