This manual is not intended to provide specific examples of inquiry-based Google Earth activities. Rather, it is designed to provide the user with the skills necessary to apply this powerful program in such a way that they will see for themselves how to include Google Earth into their own cla...
GPS 2 Google Earth User ManualEarthEarth
google earth images downloder: It can download images (including historical imagery) from google earth servers, not google maps. How to use offline maps in RMaps, Locus Map or OruxMaps? After exporting all downloaded tiles into a sqlite database, then you can use the sqlite file in some An..., "mousedown", myEventListener); // This will trigger myEventListener() when user clicks anywhere in the window, // and will pass in a KmlEvent object., "mousedown", myEventListener); === 创建地面覆盖 ...
The reflectances provided in this dataset are presented as Digital Count Numbers (DN) and must be converted according to the guidelines in Section 4.6.1 of the user manual. Proba-V是一项卫星任务,负责绘制土地覆盖和植被生长图。它旨在为SPOT-4和SPOT-5任务中的VGT光学仪器提供延续性。 该传感器收集三...
简介:Google Earth Engine——世界保护区数据库(点元素)(WDPA)是关于保护区的最新和最完整的信息来源,每月根据政府、非政府组织、土地所有者和社区提交的信息进行更新。 The World Database onProtectedAreas (WDPA) is the most up-to-date and complete source of information on protected areas, updated monthly...
Product User Manual Validation Report 哥白尼全球陆地服务 (CGLS) 被指定为陆地服务的一个组成部分,以运营一个多功能服务组件,提供一系列关于全球范围地表状况和演变的生物地球物理产品。 100 m 分辨率的动态土地覆盖图 (CGLS-LC100) 是 CGLS 产品组合中的新产品,可提供 100 m 空间分辨率的全球土地覆盖图。 CGLS...
简介:Google Earth Engine——Proba-V数据集包含:土地覆盖和植被生长,该传感器收集三个VNIR(可见光和近红外)波段和一个SWIR(短波红外)波段的数据,视场为2250公里。 Proba-V is a satellite mission tasked to map land cover and vegetation growth. It was designed to provide continuity for the VGT optical ...
and GODFIT for the offline products. GDP is currently being used for generating the operational total ozone products from GOME, SCIAMACHY and GOME-2; while GODFIT is being used in the ESA CCI and the Copernicus C3S projects. More information. Product user manual...
Please see theWDPA User Manualfor additional details on the field list. 世界保护区数据库(WDPA)是关于保护区的最新和最完整的信息来源,每月根据政府、非政府组织、土地所有者和社区提交的信息进行更新。它由联合国环境规划署的世界保护监测中心(UNEP-WCMC)管理,并得到世界自然保护联盟及其世界保护区委员会(WCPA)...