近日,Google Earth完成了美国地区的等高线地形图(50,000+ USGS Topographic Maps)的添加。这项浩大的工程耗时4个多月后完成了全美50个州的工程。 116.252.66.* 添加这些地图的目的是为用户们提供一个免费的产品来替代那些昂贵的商业用的等高图。这些等高线地形图是以KMZ格式保存的,所以必须要通过下载才能在Google...
This is a KML Network Link (which acts somewhat like a plugin or extension) that allows you to view various alternate background overlays(click here for examples)in Google Earth; the graphic on the right shows which types of maps are available. Please read the following for more information ...
Earth that prevents it from loading images in placemark balloons when the image is specified as an absolute local path. To work around this, use an earlier version of Google Earth (such as or select either the 'KMZ with Images' or 'KMZ for the Web' output format...
.GPX:Compatible with any modern GPS unit. This file contains the boundaries as GPS tracks (rather than some proprietary map format) so they're easy to load onto any mapping GPS and take out in the field. .KMZ:Google Earth version of the same information, to help plan your hunt at home...
Online mapsources are consistent and mainly used in webpages, desktop clients and mobile apps so, why not in Google Earth? KmlSuperOverlayis a simple PHP gateway that intends to meet this need :) Of course, it's not the unique one!
前一阵子我说过了如何插入图像链接到Google Earth中的某个点(尽管使用网址)。 在这种情况下,我想使用本地路径显示它: 假设文件位于C:/Users/User/Downloads/woopra_ios.png,那么代码将是: 如果你想做其他的事情,比如放置几张图片,用另一种尺寸的厚度,你可以使用更宽的代码 ...