Now you can measure the exact distance between two points, or three points. Or as many points as you’d like. Or the area of a parcel of land. Warning: this tool may result in you having fun and perhaps even wasting a bit of time… You can use Google Earth to calculate distance ev...
Measurement Tools: Measure distances, areas, and heights accurately with built-in measurement tools, aiding in land surveying and urban planning.Drawing and Annotation: Annotate maps with text, lines, shapes, and images to create custom maps or mark important locations.Printing and High-Resolution ...
HiHydroSoil v2.0层 2020年5月,ISRIC发布了其Soilgrids250m产品的最新版本(v2.0)。这一版本使FutureWater能够用更新的、更精确的、具有更高分辨率的土壤数据来更新其HiHydroSoil v1.2数据库,这导致了HiHydroSoil v2.0的开发和发布。 土壤信息是所有环境研究的基础。由于当地通常没有高质量的土壤图,因此使用了低分辨...
Sazib, N., Mladenova, I. and Bolten, J., 2018.Leveraging the google earth engine for drought assessment using global soil moisture data.Remote sensing, 10(8): 1265.doi:10.3390/rs10081265Article Bolten, J., W.T. Crow, X. Zhan, T.J. Jackson, and C.A. Reynolds (2010).Evaluating the...
Historically, most advertisers have relied on third-party data to inform ad campaigns. The loss of these will signify a loss of detailed targeting capabilities and decreased capabilities to measure ad performance accurately. While the death of the cookie will dramatically change the digital marketing ...
GoogleEarth遥感影像在海籍调查 与测量中的应用研究 ———以北部湾沿海为例 王增军 1 ,韦江玲 2 ,王宁娜 3 (1.国家海洋局北海海洋环境监测中心站,广西北海536000;2.广西山口红树林生态自然保护区管理处,广西北海536000; 3.广西国土资源信息中心,广西南宁530023) 摘要:用GoogleEarth遥感影像数据作为切入点,以广西...
The research on driving mechanisms of urban land expansion is hot topic of land science. However, the relative importance of anthropogenic-natural factors and how they affect urban land expansion change are still unclear. Based on the Google Earth Engine
ERA5-Land data is available from 1981 to three months from real-time. More information can be found at the Copernicus Climate Data Store. ERA5-Land是一个再分析数据集,与ERA5相比,它以更高的分辨率提供了数十年来土地变量演变的一致观点。ERA5-Land是通过重放ECMWF ERA5气候再分析的...
By tracking conversions, you can better understand what does and doesn’t work for your business. For example, you can create a segment of your users who have made a purchase and then try to understand their behavior, etc. Furthermore, you can use conversions to measure the effectiveness of...
国家农业图像计划(NAIP)在美国大陆的农业生长季节获取航空图像。 NAIP项目每年根据可用资金和图像获取周期签订合同。从2003年开始,NAIP的获取周期为5年。2008年是一个过渡年,2009年开始了一个三年的周期。 NAIP图像是以一米的地面采样距离(GSD)获取的,其水平精度在6米范围内与照片上可识别的地面控制点相匹配,这些...