原来Google E..通过关键字Titanic可以搜索到。在海平面下挺深的,大概3700多米……开始俯瞰……潜入水中……靠近……后半截及相关资料……
“国家地理”曾为其拍摄了多期特别节目,卡梅隆的经典电影今年也以 3D 的形式再次上映,英国 BBC 更特意拍摄了三集迷你剧讲述泰坦尼克号的故事。 Google 近日引用“国家地理”的图像,创建了泰坦尼克号的互动 3D 模型,只要运用 Google Earth,用户就能足不出户地游览沉睡在黑暗大海深处的泰坦尼克号,了解关于它的一切信息。
Google Earth has captured images of rotting and rusting hulls that are wasting away in shallow waters the world over.
but the ocean floor looks surprisingly boring and flat. Searching for subsea sites is hit or miss, too. I typed in “Titanic” and was whisked to landlocked Titanic, Oklahoma. (Google says it was unable to add many well-known underwater locations in time for the initial launch, but will...
these titanic beasts are being concealed by the Japanese authorities, one bigquestion remains…WHATCOULD THEY BE?Odds are overwhelming that therelatively new legend of the Ningen is an outright fabrication, but, for thesake of argument, let’s allow for the possibility that these may be genuine...
You can also dive right into Sieski on unique 3D satellite map provided by Google Earth. With new GoogLe Earth plugin you can enjoy the interactive Sieski 3D map within your web browser.See the 3D map of Sieski, Poland in Google Earth » ...
I interviewed creators like Al Lowe of Leisure Suit Larry, Lucasfilm’s David Fox, and Michael Bywater, who worked with Douglas Adams on the game Starship Titanic. The book took much longer than expected... the original idea after all was to merely compile an encyclopedia from Wikipedia, a...
“If you compare NASA’s annual budget to explore the heavens, that one-year budget would fund NOAA’s budget to explore the oceans for 1,600 years,”claimsRobert Ballard, a deep-sea explorer best known for his 1985 discovery of the Titanic. “Most of the southern hemisphere is unexplored...
Google on September 4, 1998, Microsoft had just become the most valuable company in the world at over $260 billion on the NYSE, coinciding with the release of Windows 98. Apple Inc. unveiled the iMac and popular films of the year included Titanic, Armageddon, Mulan, and Saving Private ...
than a similar Samsung feature, Bixby Vision. Bixby tended to miss on identifying businesses; a Chinatown bakery serving pork buns was thought to be a CrossFit gym—quite the opposite. On the other hand, Bixby identified a plaque dedicated to a Titanic victim, while Google just said, "Hmm....