引言Top 10 Google Earth FindsColumbus and Magellan had it rough. Exploration these days is quite literally an armchair activity, as high-resolution satellite images and tools like Google Earth make i
Google Earth has captured images of rotting and rusting hulls that are wasting away in shallow waters the world over.
For this project, we'll pretend we're working as data analysts for a company that builds Android and iOS mobile apps. We make our apps available on Google Play and the App Store. We only build apps that are free to download and install, and our main sou
After working as a ranger with the National Park Service, he started a reporting career after seeing the extraordinary value in educating people about the happenings on Earth, and beyond. He's descended 2,500 feet into the ocean depths in search of the sixgill shark, ventured into the halls...
The VerrazanoBridge, which wasdesignedby OthmarAmmann, joins Brooklyn to Staten Island. It has aspanof 4,260 feet.The bridge is so long that theshapeof the earth had to betakeninto accountby its designer.Two great towerssupportfour huge cables. The towers are built onimmenseunderwater platfor...