map3D.defaultLabelsDisabled = true; const marker = new Marker3DElement({ position: { lat: 51.5332, lng: -0.1260, altitude: 75 }, label: 'Google UK', altitudeMode: 'ABSOLUTE', extruded: true, }); map3D.append(marker); After creating the marker, add it to the 3D map using t...
function addMarker(location, item) { if (item === MY_POSITION) { var marker = new google.maps.Marker({ position : location, title : MY_POSITION, map : map }); markersArray.push(marker); var contentString = '' +MY_POSITION+''; var win = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: co...
Maps Marker Prois a feature-rich plugin that allows you to easily add pins to any place in your WordPress site. It is used on 10,000+ websites. Once installed, you can add maps to your sites in pages, posts, widgets and templates using shortcode. The frontend offers the user a lot ...
4.6.1. kaggle-ships-in-Google-Earth-yolov5 -> Applying YOLOv5 to Kaggle Ships in Google Earth dataset BEGINNER4.6.2. How hard is it for an AI to detect ships on satellite images?4.6.3. Object Detection in Satellite Imagery, a Low Overhead Approach...
Another Earth Updated To Add Historical Imagery Published by Leszek Pawlowicz inGoogle EarthandWeb apps.Closed Not long ago, IpostedaboutAnother Earth, a site that loads two Google Earth views side-by-side, and lets you either view two locations separately for comparison, or synchronize movements...
var marker = new GMarker(point, { draggable: false, icon: newIcon, title: _title }); //markerOptions); //新建一个标记 map.addOverlay(marker) //叠加一个层 GEvent.addListener(marker, "click", function() { marker.openInfoWindowHtml("" + title_br + ""); }); } 最终HTML生成会有很...
Google Mapsis a web-based map provider. It enables users to view roads, routes, destinations, etc. of any place on earth on a simple and easy-to-understand map. And that’s just the basic feature of Google’s map service, it also offers: ...
Changxing in Google EarthExplore Changxing in Google Earth: use the regional directory or search form above to find your Google Earth location in Changxing, Zhejiang, China. We do not provide Google Earth links at the country or regional level, however each populated place page (at the last ...
isFlat boolean Controls whether this marker should be flat against the Earth's surface or a billboard facing the camera. false iconUrl string Path to a marker icon to render. It can be relative to the web app public directory, or a https url of a remote marker icon. SVGs are not ...
For example, var oms = new OverlappingMarkerSpiderfier(map, {markersWontMove: true, markersWontHide: true});. keepSpiderfied (default: false) By default, the OverlappingMarkerSpiderfier works like Google Earth, in that when you click a spiderfied marker, the markers unspiderfy before any oth...