3D map of Katofiyion in GreeceYou can also dive right into Katofiyion on unique 3D satellite map provided by Google Earth. With new GoogLe Earth plugin you can enjoy the interactive Katofiyion 3D map within your web browser.See the 3D map of Katofiyion, Greece in Google Earth » ...
the GIS may have the Colossus spatially registered to Rhodes, Greece and temporally registered to 280-226 BC. For clarity, time associated with features in a GIS is referred to herein as “feature time.” The tour may take the user through feature time. For example, each action may have ...
Walker, Morton
A before and after satellite view of the devastating wildfires that struck a large part of Rhodes island, Greece in July 2023. The brown marks are the burn scars. Credit: Nimbo Earth Online There is also a timelapse feature to capture how a certain geographical location has transformed over...