LiDAR-derived imagery in Google Earth has proven to be the most popular product available via the OpenTopography Facility and has greatly enhanced the impact of these data. The EarthScope LiDAR KMZ files have been downloaded over 9000 times by users ranging from earthquake scientists to K-12 ...
LIDAR in Google Earth
By using photogrammetry and SketchUp 3D modeling, it’s how Google maps the world in 3D. But there is little difference between the functionality available in both Google Earth vs Google Maps. Although Google Earth adds a bit more viewing versatility such as tilting and planning, they both allo...
swissSURFACE3D光栅(DSM) 该数据集目前只对内部人员计划中的人开放。 swissSURFACE3D Raster是一个数字表面模型(DSM),它代表了地球的表面,包括可见的和永久的景观元素,如土壤、自然覆盖物和各种建设性工作,但电力线和桅杆除外。 swissSURFACE3D Raster是由swissSURFACE3D的机载LiDAR数据得出的。为了对地表进行建模,使用...
Google Earth Engine——热带国家500米处地面活木生物量密度的国家级数据集。这个数据集是由同地的实地测量、LiDAR观测和中分辨率成像光谱仪(MODIS)记录的图像组合而成。 A national-level map of above-ground live woody biomass density for tropical countries at 500m. This dataset was assembled from a ...
Google Earth (GE), a large Earth-observation data-based geographical information computer application, is an intuitive three-dimensional virtual globe. It enables archaeologists around the world to communicate and share their multisource data and research findings. Different from traditional geographical in...
Google Earth Engine ——2017-2018年伊朗土地覆盖/土地利用数据集KNTU/LiDARLab/IranLandCover/V1 The Iran-wide land cover map was generated by processing Sentinel imagery within the Google Earth Engine Cloud platform. For this purpose, over 2,500 Sentinel-1 and over 11,000 Sentinel-2 images ...
Here are the fixes, changes, and improvements are made for this release of Google Earth Pro: Updated Street View experience. Enhanced plus ... Here are the fixes, changes, and improvements are made for this release of Google Earth Pro: Updated Street View experience. Enhanced plus code...
Google Earth Engine——热带国家500米处地面活木生物量密度的国家级数据集。这个数据集是由同地的实地测量、LiDAR观测和中分辨率成像光谱仪(MODIS)记录的图像组合而成。,Anational-levelmapofabove-groundlivewoodybiomassdensityfortropica
AHNDEM是覆盖荷兰的0.5mDEM。它是根据2007年至2012年春季拍摄的LIDAR数据生成的。 它包含地面样本,地面上的所有其他项目(例如建筑物、桥梁、树木等)均已移除。这个版本是内插的;已移除对象的区域填充有内插值。使用平方逆距离加权方法将点云转换为0.5m网格。注意:此数据集不包括清单中列出的少量仅在较低分辨率下可...