2. 使用官方给定的放缩乘数(scale factor)和偏置(offset),将数据集里的源数据转换成能够使用的地表反射率。 代码链接:https://code.earthengine.google.com/77902fdb6895195df65223b2ca4ab112 首先,取得Landsat 8地表反射率数据集(注意是Collection 2)。这里仅取同一个地点上2个月的图像,一共4张,因为取多了处...
Google Earth dates back nearly two decades to its initial release in 2001. For years, it has been a source for users to view any spot on the planet from the comfort of their own computer, offering different perspectives ranging fromits Street View featureto an assortment of maps and terrains...
These data represent a merged ozone product from TOMS/EarthProbe, TOMS/Nimbus-7, TOMS/Meteor-3, OMI/Aura and USGS-interpolated data for dates with no data. Additional TOMS and OMI information 臭氧总量绘图分光仪(TOMS)数据代表了过去25年中可用于监测全球和区域臭氧总量趋势的主要长期、连续的卫星观测...
With Google Earth you can find the longitude, latitude, altitude, and when images were taken of places from around the world. Find imagery dates Important: An imagery date o
These data represent a merged ozone product from TOMS/EarthProbe, TOMS/Nimbus-7, TOMS/Meteor-3, OMI/Aura and USGS-interpolated data for dates with no data. Additional TOMS and OMI information 臭氧总量绘图分光仪(TOMS)数据代表了过去25年中可用于监测全球和区域臭氧总量趋势的主要长期、...
2. Search imagery added:Starting up Google Earth today, I was surprised to find the region of the search displaying very recent satellite imagery, taken taken between March 18 and 31, 2014 as part of the search for MH370. The dates are displayed in the status bar at the bottom of the ...
If you want to look at old images for an address, you just need to click "see more dates," and the backlog with auto-populate on the bottom of your screen. Credit: Google Just be warned, if you go down that rabbit hole, pangs of nostalgia will likely follow. ...
Create, edit, and collaborate on spreadsheets with the Google Sheets app. With Sheets you can: * Create new spreadsheets or edit existing ones * Share spreadsh…
These data represent a merged ozone product from TOMS/EarthProbe, TOMS/Nimbus-7, TOMS/Meteor-3, OMI/Aura and USGS-interpolated data for dates with no data. Additional TOMS and OMI information 臭氧总量绘图分光仪(TOMS)数据代表了过去25年中可用于监测全球和区域臭氧总量趋势的主要长期、连续的卫星观测...
Launch the Google Earth Pro app on your desktop. Enter a location in the Search field. Click onView > HistoricalImagery or select the Clock icon on the toolbar. Use theTime sliderto go back in time and view the historical imagery. ...