代码链接:https://code.earthengine.google.com/77902fdb6895195df65223b2ca4ab112 首先,取得Landsat 8地表反射率数据集(注意是Collection 2)。这里仅取同一个地点上2个月的图像,一共4张,因为取多了处理时间会拉长。4张图像的云量分别为:89.8%,0.05%,21.39%,75.44%。 /// 获取Landsat 8 Collection 2 Tier ...
当您在Earth Engine上编写脚本时(无论JavaScript还是Python),该代码不会直接在谷歌的Earth Engine服务器上运行。相反,客户端库将脚本编码为一组JSON对象,将对象发送给谷歌并等待响应。每个对象表示获得特定输出所需的一组操作,例如,要在客户端上显示的图像。 进一步解释一下:代码写好之后,只会在本地做解析。本地端...
Choose Monitor > Google Earth Maps. From the Select a command drop-down list, choose Import Google KML or Import CSV. Click Go. Use the Browse button to navigate to the .kml, .kmz, or .csv file on your computer. When the file name path is displayed in the text box, click Next. ...
Clicking on “Show Vessel’s Track” brings up its recent travel path; passing the cursor over the track brings up time/speed/bearing data for every marked point. The map’s options section shows you the ship color legend, and lets you turn on/off display of various types, as well as ...
4.6.1. kaggle-ships-in-Google-Earth-yolov5 -> Applying YOLOv5 to Kaggle Ships in Google Earth dataset BEGINNER4.6.2. How hard is it for an AI to detect ships on satellite images?4.6.3. Object Detection in Satellite Imagery, a Low Overhead Approach...
isFlat boolean Controls whether this marker should be flat against the Earth's surface or a billboard facing the camera. false iconUrl string Path to a marker icon to render. It can be relative to the web app public directory, or a https url of a remote marker icon. SVGs are not ...
Google Earth has been mentioned at least once at every meeting or conference of GIS-related professionals I’ve attended over the past year. It was even briefly referred to during defence of a PhD thesis on SDI clearinghouses. Google Earth is about business, technology, mapping, cartography, ...
There is something like a back-end move in Street View, or Google Earth, as the photograph (or a million digital photographs, seamlessly woven together) substitutes for and comes to replace the map. The symbolization of space in a street plan or road-map becomes a heuristic device for explo...
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