随后,依据谷歌地球引擎Google Earth Engine栅格图层可视化代码的嵌入中内容,在代码中进行图层可视化配置,并重新将遥感影像导入地图中;这样使得遥感影像更加直观,方便我们后续的操作。1var vis_parameter={2min:2039.2255686140938,3max:8445.630153788503,4bands:["NDVI"],5palette:["63ff14","41f6ff","...
37.5331,12);// 这里在zoom level为12的pyramids水平下,默认最邻近采样,显示MODIS数据// MODIS数据原始投影为sinusoidal投影,加载到地图上时转化为MercatorMap.addLayer(modis, {min:2000,max:5000},'MODIS EVI');//projection: SR-ORG:6974// Get information about the MODIS projection.varmodisProjection...
从卫星上鸟瞰地球,感受前所未有的视觉冲击。采用Google Earth Maps等开放接口技术构建,操作十分简便,鼠标点击即可轻松拖动、缩放地图画面。多源卫星地图与城市电子地图实时无缝切换,网上游历世界各地风景名胜,旅行景点地图地标在线分享。
Google Earth Engine(GEE)——Error: Projection: The CRS of a map projection could not be parsed.(坐标转换错) Error: Projection: The CRS of a map projection could not be parsed. (Error code: 3) EPSP EPSP的英文全称是European Petroleum Survey Group...
不过,如果您喜欢尝试新鲜事物,可以选择以下某个选项以试用 Google 地球。 Launch Wasm Multiple ThreadedLaunch Wasm Single Threaded 详细了解Google 地球。
简介:Google Earth Engine(GEE)——Error: Projection: The CRS of a map projection could not be parsed.(坐标转换错) 问题: Error: Projection: The CRS of a map projection could not be parsed. (Error code: 3) EPSP EPSP的英文全称是European Petroleum Survey Group,中文名称为欧洲石油调查组织。这个...
If true, geodetic distance along the curved surface is used, assuming a spherical Earth of radius 6378137.0. If false, euclidean distance in the 2D plane of the map projection is used (faster, but less accurate). Returns: Image 至于数据 ...
print("New projection information is:",new_modis.projection()); 执行代码,得到结果如下。 随后,我们将坐标变换后的新的图层导入地图中显示,查看其效果。 Map.addLayer(new_modis,vis_parameter,"NDVI_NEW"); 执行代码,得到结果如下。 可以看到,坐标变换后的图层尽管像元已经不再是倾斜的状态,但是其空间分辨率...
print("New projection information is:",new_modis.projection()); 执行代码,得到结果如下。 随后,我们将坐标变换后的新的图层导入地图中显示,查看其效果。 Map.addLayer(new_modis,vis_parameter,"NDVI_NEW"); 执行代码,得到结果如下。
MAP_PROJECTION String Projection used to represent the 3-dimensional surface of the earth for the Level-1 product. MAP_PROJECTION_L0RA String L0RA map projection selectively applied to HDTs based on geographic location. Used for processed archive data. ORIENTATION String Orientation used in creatin...