Urban recovery digital archive of Edo-Tokyo on Google Earth Recent geoinformatic technology is one of the significant fields in the digital earth era. This paper demonstrates a trial of making urban recovery digital... O Murao,T Sasaki - 《Journal of Architecture & Building Science》 被引量:...
Japanese pagoda temples, Japanese art, Japanese martial arts such as Sumo and Karate, Japanese language, Japanese cuisine, like Sushi and Tofu, Japanese religion, Japanese tea ceremony, Japanese heritage places like Osaka castle and Mount fuji, Tokyo tower, Japan map slide, and many more presentat...
A Japanese court has ordered search giant Google to suspend its auto-complete function because it breaches one man's privacy, his lawyer said. Tokyo District Court approved a petition by the man, who claimed typing his name into the search engine generated a suggestion linking him to crimes he...
themed image every day, there's no better option than "Astronomy Picture of the Day." This Chrome extension pulls in daily images from NASA's Astronomy Picture Of The Day website (apod.nasa.gov) which showcases some amazing photos captured by various telescopes around Earth or orbiting ...
earth 1 east 16 East Iceland 13 East Lothian 2 East Sussex 2 Easter 5 Easter eggs 5 eastfjords 2 eat 24 eating 21 ecology 5 ecosystem 5 edamame 1 edifice 75 edifices 74 Edmonton 1 education 29 eel 2 egg 15 eggs 24 Egilsstadir 1 Eiffel 11 Eiffel Towe...
简介:Google Earth Engine——干旱指数(KBDI)是一个连续的参考量表,用于估计土壤和煤层的干燥程度。该指数在没有下雨的每一天都会增加(增加的数量取决于每日的最高温度) Keetch-Byram Drought Index (KBDI) is a continuous referencescalefor estimating the dryness of the soil and duff layers. The index incr...
Second World War•Tokyo) Tanuki, also known asJapanese raccoon dogs, hold a special place in Japanese culture. Often the center of folktales for their large testicles, magical abilities, and easygoing attitude, you can see them depicted in works of art all over the country. ...
The Shinkansen, colloquially known in English as the bullet train, is a network of high-speed railway lines in Japan. Initially, it was built to connect distant Japanese regions with Tokyo, the capital, to aid economic growth and development. Beyond long-distance travel, some sections around th...
简介:Google Earth Engine——干旱指数(KBDI)是一个连续的参考量表,用于估计土壤和煤层的干燥程度。该指数在没有下雨的每一天都会增加(增加的数量取决于每日的最高温度) Keetch-Byram Drought Index (KBDI) is a continuous referencescalefor estimating the dryness of the soil and duff layers. The index incr...
Google Earth Engine——干旱指数(KBDI)是一个连续的参考量表,用于估计土壤和煤层的干燥程度。该指数在没有下雨的每一天都会增加(增加的数量取决于每日的最高温度) Keetch-Byram Drought Index (KBDI) is a continuous reference scale for estimating the dryness of the soil and duff layers. The index ...