Recent developments in machine learning techniques and cloud-computing platforms such as Google Earth Engine (GEE) have made complete, large-scale wetland delineation maps possible29, 32,33,34. GEE provides access to remotely sensed satellite data and significant computational capability for processing ...
Landslides significantly threaten human life and infrastructure, requiring accurate and timely identification for effective hazard assessment and management. This study proposes a new approach combining Geographic Object-Based Image Analysis (GEOBIA) and machine learning on the Google Earth Engine (GEE) plat...
General documentation 该数字高程模型 (DEM) 由 ASTER 和 SPOT-5 DEM 的组合构建而成,用于冰盖外围和边缘(即平衡线高程以下)以南约 82.5°N,以及冰盖内部和远北(Scambos 和 Haran,2002 年)。 SPOT-5 DEM 是作为极地冰的 Spot5 立体测量:参考图像和地形 (SPIRIT) 项目(Korona 等人,2009 年)的一部分制作和...
Landsat imagery; remote sensing; land use land cover; LST; indices; Google Earth Engine; semi-arid zone1. Introduction From the Industrial Revolution of the mid-19th century until today, the process of urbanization has continuously accelerated. Currently, around 68% of the world’s population, ...
In the application of the proposed method, the Google Earth Engine (GEE) platform provides a low-cost, fast, and convenient way to extract flood information from remote sensing data. The proposed scheme provides a scientific data basis for restoring production of agricultural land after a flood ...
euphratica on the floodplain and reduced the misclassification of Tamarix. The distribution of P. euphratica was preliminarily overestimated when using only phenological and spectral index features, and there were a large number of areas in which non–P. euphratica features (such as Tamarix and ...
euphratica on the floodplain and reduced the misclassification of Tamarix. The distribution of P. euphratica was preliminarily overestimated when using only phenological and spectral index features, and there were a large number of areas in which non–P. euphratica features (such as Tamarix and ...
euphratica on the floodplain and reduced the misclassification of Tamarix. The distribution of P. euphratica was preliminarily overestimated when using only phenological and spectral index features, and there were a large number of areas in which non–P. euphratica features (such as Tamarix and ...
A generalized supervised classification scheme to produce provincial wetland inventory maps: An application of Google Earth Engine for big geo data processing. Big Earth Data 2019, 3, 378–394. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Hird, J.; DeLancey, E.; McDermid, G.; Kariyeva, J. Google Earth ...
Quantifying sediment dynamics in mega deltas using remote sensing data: A case study of the Mekong floodplains. Int. J. Appl. Earth Obs. 2018, 68, 105–115. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Bui, Y.T.; Orange, D.; Visser, S.M.; Hoanh, C.T.; Laissus, M.; Poortinga, A.; Tran,...