Landsat Collections | U.S. Geological SurveyLandsat Collections ensure that all Landsat Level-1 products contain known data quality. T1_RT集合包含一级和实时(RT)资产。新获得的Landsat 7 ETM+和Landsat 8 OLI/TIRS数据在下行时...
Google Earth Engine ——Landsat 8 影像集合Collection详细介绍,本章概述了Landsat8系列和使用图像所需的相关质量信息。platform..
zoomLevel);//以某点为中心缩放地图 0-20级print(variableName);//打印元数据Map.addLayer(variableName);//添加图层到地图//常用 Earth Engine 数据类型//Stringsvarstr=ee.String('This is a string. Or is it? It is.');//Numbersvarnum=ee.Number(5);//Arraysvararr=ee.Array([[5,2,3],[-2,...
The visualization parameters. For Images and ImageCollection, see for valid parameters. For Features and FeatureCollections, the only supported key is "color", as a CSS 3.0 color string or a hex string in "RRGGBB" format. Ignored when eeObject is a map ID. name (String,...
提示:上述二者以及下述的类似方法都是构造函数(constructor),给它参数放在构造函数这个容器中,作为object返回给使用者。(Any constructor starting with ee returns an Earth Engine object.)在学习的过程中,可以使用typeof()方法来查看某个变量的数据类型。
FeatureCollections can be constructed from the following arguments: - A string: assumed to be the name of a collection. - A single geometry. - A single feature. - A list of features. - A GeoJSON FeatureCollection - A computed object: reinterpreted as a collection. ...
and ImageCollection, see for valid parameters. For Features and FeatureCollections...
Map.add(ui.Map.CloudStorageLayer({bucket:'earthenginepartners-hansen',path:'tiles/gfc_v1.4/loss_year',maxZoom:12,suffix:'.png'})); When running a script that loads a Cloud Storage layer, you may see the warning message: ui.Map.DrawingTools ...
Earth Engine 要求 AI Platform 模型使用 TensorFlow 的 SavedModel 格式。在托管模型可以与地球引擎交互之前,其输入/输出需要与 TensorProto 交换格式兼容,特别是在 base64 中序列化的 TensorProtos。为model prepare简化此操作,Earth Engine CLI 具有 将现有 SavedModel 包装在所需操作中以转换输入/输出格式的命令。
Google Earth Engine(GEE)批量下载哨兵1号数据 今天来简单分享下如何在GEE中批量下载哨兵1号数据 数据介绍: 数据源为COPERNICUS/S1_GRD,是SAR数据。 可能的组合是单波段 VV 或 HH,以及双波段 VV+VH 和 HH+HV: 波段介绍如下: VV:单共极化,垂直发射/垂直接收...