阿里云为您提供专业及时的google earth elevation数据集的相关问题及解决方案,解决您最关心的google earth elevation数据集内容,并提供7x24小时售后支持,点击官网了解更多内容。
Google Earth Engine ——数据全解析专辑(SRTM Digital Elevation Data Version 4)数字高程数据集 The Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) digital elevation dataset was originally produced to provide consistent, high-quality elevation data at near global scope. This version of the SRTM digital elevation ...
However, it has been renamed and now considered just one component of elevation in The National Map after the 3D Elevation Program became operational. 国家高程数据集(NED)曾经是*美国地质调查局的主要高程数据产品。NED是一个无缝数据集,包含了美国本土、阿拉斯加部分地区、夏威夷和一些领土岛屿的最佳可用光栅...
Google Earth Engine ——数据全解析专辑(DEM-S: Australian Smoothed Digital Elevation Model)澳大利亚1弧秒 DEM! The Smoothed Digital Elevation Model (DEM-S) was derived from the SRTM data acquired by NASA in February 2000. DEM-S represents ground surface topography (excluding vegetation features) and...
The elevation data provided by Google Earth are the ellipsoidal heights referred to the WGS 84 ellipsoid, therefore they should be converted to the orthometric heights which have a physical reality by applying the geoid heights. Compared to the ground or field survey data, the Google earth ...
Google Earth Engine ——数据全解析专辑(US NED mTPI (生态相关地貌(ERGo)270m分辨率数据集) The mTPI distinguishes ridge from valley forms. It is calculated using elevation data for each location subtracted by the mean elevation within a neighborhood. mTPI uses moving windows of radius (km): 115.8...
简介:Google Earth Engine ——数据全解析专辑(DEM-S: Australian Smoothed Digital Elevation Model)澳大利亚1弧秒 DEM! The Smoothed Digital ElevationModel(DEM-S) was derived from the SRTM data acquired by NASA in February 2000. DEM-S represents ground surface topography (excluding vegetation features) ...
以上是多波段栅格数据的可视化代码,接下来我们再以单波段灰度图像进行操作。在GEE搜索框中输入terrain,选择GMTED2010:Global Multi-resolution Terrain Elevation Data 2010数据,将其导入地图中并将这一变量重命名。我们以这一DEM单波段栅格图层为例加以介绍。
Google Earth Engine ——GLDAS-2.0是用更新的普林斯顿全球气象强迫数据集基于MODIS的地表参数数据集 Global Land Data Assimilation System (GLDAS) ingests satellite and ground-based observational data products. Using advanced land surface modeling and data assimilation techniques, it generates optimal ...
Google Earth Engine——该数字高程模型 (DEM) 由 ASTER 和 SPOT-5 DEM 的组合构建而成,用于冰盖外围和边缘(即平衡线高程以下)以南约 82.5°N,以及冰盖内部 This Digital Elevation Model (DEM) is constructed from a combination of ASTER and SPOT-5 DEM's for the ice sheet periphery and margin (i.e...