Google节庆Logo–世界地球日 4月22日世界地球日 4月22日是人类关爱地球家园的节日——“世界地球日”。我国今年确定的主题是“善待地球,科学发展”。 地球日起源于美国。1969年,民主党参议员盖洛德·尼尔森提议,在美国各校园内举办有关环境问题的讲习会,并将次年的4月22日作为“地球日”。当时25岁的哈佛大学法学...
Hwang: Google makes a big effort to recognize holidays that aren‘t necessarily mainstream. The Korean Independence Day logo was seen globally by tens of millions of people. Numerous Korean-Americans wrote to thank us on Aug. 15 last year. Many expressed how proud it made them to see the K...
把鼠标移到logo上,会出现提示earth day,即地球日 4月22日是世界地球日,我国今年确定的主题是“善待地球,保护环境”。地球日起源于美国。1969年,民主党参议员盖洛德·尼尔森提议,在美国各校园内举办有关环境问题的讲习会,并将次年的4月22日作为“地球日”。当时25岁的哈佛大学法学院学生丹尼斯·...
Feb 21, 2009 Carnival - (Brazil) MarchMar 08, 2009 International Women’s Day Mar 20, 2009 First Day of Spring AprilApr 01, 2009 200th Anniversary of Gogol Apr 22, 2009 Earth Day - (Global) May May 10, 2009 Mother’s Day - (Selected Countries) May 20, 2009 Scientists unveil fossil...
考考你的眼力如何,能发现多少不同点 50th Anniversary of Understanding DNA点这里查看区别与下图区别在于近处DNA双链的位置不同 Earth Day 2003点这里查看区别与下图区别在于远处地球位置不同 Ea Google Doodle III 2004-12-31 2000年悉尼奥运会系列 Logo Olympics 2000 Sydney Olympic 2000 Canoe Kayak Olympics 2000...
dubbed as a doodle to commemorate the 2012 Earth Day. It notes that the design features flowers arranged in the form of the Google logo that slowly bloom in a time-lapse shot to develop the known color patterns of Google's standard logo. Marissa Mayer, vice-president of Google mentions ...
Melbourne CupView:137 Comment:1 TrackBack:0 2004-11-2 Elections day in the Uni地球日 的 Google Logo 2004-12-31Earth Day 2004View:17 Comment:0 TrackBack:0 2004-4-22 Earth DayView:17 &n奥运会相关的 Google Logo 2004-12-31Athens 2004View:78 Comment:0 TrackBack:0 2004-8-29 Athens ...
The article reports on the new version of the logo of Google Inc. dubbed as a doodle to commemorate the 2012 Earth Day. It notes that the design features flowers arranged in the form of the Google logo that slowly bloom in a time-lapse shot to develop the known color patterns of Google...
We all know how important our planet is, and how much of an integral role bees play in it. But, in case you need a reminder (or a nice, relaxing way to kill some time), the Earth Day 2020 Google Doodle game is perfect for you. ...
Google's evolving Earth Day logo throughout recent years. The logo signifies the company's interest in green energy. Google is ending 2011 with a green bang. The technology giant made an investment that brought its total renewable energy investments to more than $915 million.Google announcedthis...