from one angle you can certainly say they are rich enough to shoulder than minor cost… minor relative to their overall earnings. And it probably saves them on some lawsuits. But it wouldn’t be hard to imagine it going differently, the company...
You can get the dates of publication of results in yahoo API # show next event (earnings, etc) msft.calendar # show all earnings dates msft.earnings_dates Recommended reading LSTM plus stock price FAIL This does not understand the principle of self-fulfilling prophecy (explained at the beginnin...
Despite a 16% year-over-year revenue increase in 2023,Bumble also announcedplans tolay off 30% of its workforcelast year ahead of its brand relaunch that was intended to have a "stronger appeal to younger users," former CEO Lidiane Jones said during a February 2024 earnings call. Hinge rel...
Get the full transcript of an earnings call for a specific company in text format. This endpoint can be used to learn more about a company's financial performance, future plans, and overall strategy. Returns Earning Call Transcript Function: =fmpEarningCallTranscript(symbol: string, year: string...
The VCC also gives cardholders greater control and flexibility with its customisable settings. Cardholders can easily modify expiry dates and transaction limits, personalise card appearances and more. With Near Field Communication (NFC) compatibility, the VCC can be easily provisioned into Sam...
(a team led by Penny Chu measured search share monthly). Marissa Mayer, then Google’s V.P. of Search Products & User Experience, circulated these general search market figures “[i]n advance of the earnings call and board meeting,” describing them as the “latest market ...
Apple said later on Tuesday in a US securities filing that it would take up to a $10 billion earnings hit. The figure will not make much of a dent in a company that saw global sales of $383 billion and net profit of $97 billion in the year to September 2023. ...
Google is launching new features to help consumers plan a trip as searches for travel-related queries in Q1 were above Q1 ’19 prepandemic levels. In the Q1 earnings call for Google’s parent Alphabet last week, Google chief business officer Phillip Schindler shared a few stats – query growt...
Earnings: CRM Dec 3 WIRED's The Big Interview San Francisco Dec 4 New York Times DealBook Summit New York Dec 4 Forbes Healthcare Summit New York Dec 5 Earnings: ASAN, PATH, HPE Dec 9 Earnings: MDB Dec 12 Earnings: AVGO Jan 7-10 ...
Apple said later on Tuesday in a US securities filing that it would take up to a $10 billion earnings hit. The figure will not make much of a dent in a company that saw global sales of $383 billion and net profit of $97 billion in the year to September 2023. ...