1.获取Google Drive的文件ID,标记为XXXXX 2.Get an OAuth token: Go toOAuth 2.0 Playground In the “Select the Scope” box, scroll down, e...
google-drive-ocamlfuse ~/google-drive ``` 现在,您就可以在"~/google-drive"目录下访问您的Google Drive文件了。 2. 图形界面方法: 在Ubuntu中,您也可以使用GNOME Files来挂载Google Drive。首先,打开文件管理器,点击右上角的设置按钮,选择"Online Accounts",然后点击"Google"并输入您的Google账号信息。 在成功...
6、client-ID、client-secret替换为自己的。 google-drive-ocamlfuse -headless -label me -id client-ID -secret client-secret 之后会出现一行链接,复制、粘贴到浏览器,打开 7、挂载Google Drive mkdir /home/google-drive google-drive-ocamlfuse -label me /home/google-drive 二、Ubuntu 14.04下下安装Google-d...
- 登入 启用Google Drive API 在左手边 APIs & Services | Library ( 点击"Google Drive API",就会打开 点击“Enable API" 3. 获得Client ID, Client Se...
在Ubuntu 20.04版本的Linux系统中,访问Google Drive相较于Windows而言稍显繁琐,但通过简单的设置,可以实现无缝连接。首先,你需要安装google-drive-ocamlfuse这个依赖软件(参见Installation文档)。接下来,登录Google Cloud Console,为你的应用创建OAuth2认证。设置中选择“Other"或"Desktop"作为应用类型,...
为了在Ubuntu 20.04上将Google Drive映射为目录以方便访问,您首先需要安装依赖软件google-drive-ocamlfuse。此过程的详细步骤如下:1. 登录,在Google Console中创建OAuth2应用程序。在创建应用时,请选择“Other”或“Desktop”作为应用类型,并为应用命名,例如“mygoogledriver”。
google drive download Deepin 1、使用 insync 官网, 第一句话:Insync extends Google Drive's web functionality to your desktop by integrating tightly with Linux so you can get work done 译为:Insync通过与Linux紧密集成将Google Drive的Web功能扩展到您的...
Here you can find instructions on how to installgoogle-drive-ocamlfuse. You can choose one of the following methods. PPA repository I've set up aPPA repositorywhere I've uploaded .deb packages for Ubuntu. To install the software using this method, run the following commands: ...
functionality into the desktop environment itself. That integration is going to make this whole process a lot easier, and you’ll have complete access to your Google Drive on Ubuntu in no time. While this guide is tailored to Ubuntu, the process can easily be adapted to any distribution ...
Google Drive ubuntu Google尚未发布用于从Ubuntu访问其drive的官方Linux客户端。然开源社区却业已开发完毕非官方之软件包‘grive-tools’。 grive乃是Google Drive(在线存储服务)的GNU/Linux系统客户端,允许你同步所选目录到云端,以及上传新文件到Google Drive。