shortcut_create(file, path = NULL, name = NULL, overwrite = NA) 参数 file 识别您的 Google 云端硬盘上感兴趣的文件的内容。可以是名称或路径、标有 as_id() 或dribble 的文件 ID 或 URL。 path 新快捷方式的目标目的地,即文件夹或共享驱动器。可以作为实际路径(字符)、标有 as_id() 或dribble ...
shortcut_create(name ="shortcut-1")#> Created Drive file:#> • shortcut-1 <id: 1xGNFmT3EK9iWHIY39zSJlKRkHB1XU-Oz>#> With MIME type:#> • application/ Create a second shortcut by copying the firstsc1 <- sc1 %>% drive_cp(name ="shortcut-2")#> ...
If you find that your Google Drive is not working, read the article below to look for solutions to fix the Google Drive not working problem: Why is Google Drive Not Working and How to Solve It? Are you facing an issue that Google Drive not working? It's a surprisingly frequent case we...
查了蛮多资料,贴上我的解决方法(实测有用): 1.预览分享给你的文件,会出来这个界面: 2.点击右上角的Add a shortchut to drive: 3.点击My Drive,接着Add,搞定! 这样在My Drive中可以看到自己添加的shortcut…
Google has made changes to Google Drive, and this method *may not* work for all users. We do have an alternative method, which has been more useful.
Navigate to the folder or Shared Drive where you want the shortcut. Use theADD SHORTCUTbutton to add the file to chosen location. Notes This processdoes notalter the permissions on the shortcut's target file or folder, but Google Drive does suggest users to share with when you create a ...
Hi there, I cannot get Google Drive to display as a shortcut link in the left hand bar of Adobe Acrobat Pro on my 2018 11" iPad Pro. Anyone have any - 10378458");Filefile=service.files().create(fileMetadata).setFields("id").execute();System.out.println("File ID: "+file.getId());returnfile.getId();}catch(GoogleJsonResponseExceptione){// TODO(developer) - handle error appropriatelySystem.err.println("Unable to create shortcut: "+e...
I am working on a Mac Pro 2012. I set up Adobe Bridge (AB) to view jpg image files in Google Drive (GD). The files are stored in a shared folder. The shared folder is linked via a shortcut to the My Drive folder in GD. I am able to access the files in GD ...
Solution 4: Run Google Drive as an Administrator You can also run Google Drive as an administrator to fixGoogle Drive not syncing all files. And it's proven to be working. Find the Google Sync shortcut or the .exe file, right-click it, and chooseRun as administrator. And then, sync ...