Best Google Drive for Desktop alternatives: More than one way to be on the cloud There are similar applications that have some of the same features as Google Drive for Desktop. They could suit your needs if you need additional storage, or they may coordinate in a better way with the servic...
方式一:打开您常用的浏览器,然后登录Google Drive官方网站,将网站页面向下滑动,在页面底部找到适合自己计算机Google Drive桌面客户端。 方式二:登录Google Drive,在页面右上角点击设置按钮(齿轮图标),点击第二个选项(获取备份与同步),然后在跳转的网页中下载适合自己的Google Drive桌面客户端。 标题 2. 完成下载后,双...
電腦的防火墻有時也會導致Google Drive for Desktop無法啓動,所以在使用Google Drive for Desktop前,可以將電腦上的防火墻暫時關閉,這樣或許能讓Google Drive桌面應用程序啓動。 1. 使用快捷鍵Windows+R打開執行框,然後輸入control打開控制面板。 2. 點擊Windows Defender防火墻。 Windows Defender防火墻 3. 點擊開啓或關閉...
Google Drive for Desktop free download Free Download for PC What will happen when you click Free Download? You will be redirected to an external website to complete the download. If you encounter any issues with your download, please report them here. ...
Google Drive 桌面版正式适配支持苹果M1 Mac IT之家 10 月 23 日消息,据 9to5 Google 报道,“Drive for desktop”是谷歌为消费者和企业用户提供的统一的云备份应用,此前多年一直维持两个独立的客户端。现在,谷歌 Drive for desktop 已经更新,完全支持苹果 M1 芯片的 Mac 笔记本电脑和台式机。
首先,我们在Drive的官方下载网站(中,通过“DownloadDrive for desktop”选项下载安装包;如下图所示。 下载安装包完毕后,打开安装包,并进行安装流程。其中,刚开始的配置大家依据个人实际需求来进行即可。
To easily manage and share content across all your devices and the cloud, use Google’s desktop sync client: Drive for desktop. Use Drive for desktop to find your Drive files and folders on your com
These release notes reflect additions and improvements in each version of Google Drive for desktop (formerly Drive File Stream). If you see a number between the listed releases, that version has no si
经过不断尝试,终于找到一种快速、稳定,而且还相当简单的下载方法——通过Drive的电脑客户端,即可实现快速、稳定的下载方法。 首先,我们在Drive的官方下载网站(中,通过“Download Drive for desktop”选项下载安装包;如下图所示。
Google services, a generous 15GB of space, class-leading sync speed, and an easy-to-use interface, Google Drive remains the go-to digital vault for storing and organizing your files. Aside from feature-rich mobile, tablet, and web apps, Google Drive is available on desktop platforms, too....