登录 继续使用 Google 云端平台 电子邮件地址或电话号码 忘记了电子邮件地址? 您用的不是自己的电脑?请使用访客模式无痕登录。 详细了解如何使用访客模式 下一步 创建账号简体中文 帮助 隐私权 条款
Uploading Files: Simply drag and drop files into your Drive folder on your computer, or use the "+ New" button on the web interface to upload files or create documents directly.Organizing Files: Create folders to organize your files neatly. You can also use labels and star important items ...
使用Vertex AI 部署和管理 AI 应用,以及使用 Gemini Code Assist 获得任务和代码编写方面的帮助。 免费开始使用 AI 开发者指南 Gemini on Vertex AI 简介 AI 驱动的应用 使用LangChain 在 Vertex AI 中构建依托 AI 技术的应用 任务辅助 使用Gemini 简化软件开发生命周期内的各项工作 代码协助 在Gemini 代码助手的...
G-Drive Linker is the best method of sending direct links of your online files to anyone. Simply paste in your sharable link and the software will automatically convert the link into a professional direct download link that anyone can access. Items will download without any Google Drive window ...
With Googlecompatibility, every drive is more seamless and personalized. Access some of your favorite apps directly on your center display. Google Get hands-free help to call or text friends, listen to music, set reminders, or even control the temperature. Just say “Hey Google,” press the ...
Delete file Deletes a file from Google Drive Extract archive to folder Extracts an archive file into a folder in Google Drive (example: .zip) Get file content using id Retrieves file content from Google Drive using id Get file content using path Retrieves file content from Google Dri...
将Google 相册的强大功能与第三方应用集成,以便您可以更加轻松地访问、编辑、打印、备份照片以及执行更多操作。 了解详情 查看其他 Google 产品 图库精简版 智能轻巧且便捷快速的照片及视频库 了解详情 照片扫描仪 扫描并保存您最喜爱的打印照片 了解详情 ...
通过Adobe Workfront Fusion Google Drive模块,您可以监视、搜索、创建、更新、删除和管理Google Drive中的文件、文件夹或共享驱动器。 在Adobe Workfront Fusion方案中,您可以将Google Drive帐户连接到多个第三方应用程序和服务。 访问要求 展开以查看本文中各项功能的访问要求。
Google Drive is a file storage and synchronization service created by Google. It allows users to store files in the cloud, share files, and edit documents, spreadsheets, and presentations with collaborators.This connector is available in the following products and regions:...
Google Drive Terms of Service: https://www.google.com/drive/terms-of-service Follow us for more: X: https://x.com/googleworkspace and https://x.com/googledrive LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/showcase/googleworkspace Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/googleworkspace/ ...