As of February 2008, Google removed the phrase "informal corporate motto" from the code of conduct, which nowbegansimply: "Don't be evil." (Google/Wayback Machine) As part of the same 2008 update, the company also added an additional instance of "Don't be evil" to the very end of ...
“做正确的事”。 虽然出于种种原因,外界对 Google 所谓“不作恶”(Don't be evil)的调侃一直都没停下,但这一次 Google 主动把这句话从行为准着页面上撤掉,还是让人有些不胜唏嘘。 事情其实发生在一个月之前,在“最后更新于 2018 年 4 月 5 日”的Google 行为准则页面上,一直写在最前排“前言”中的三...
Google’s unofficial motto has long been the simple phrase “don’t be evil.” But that’s over, according to the code of conduct that Google distributes to its employees. The phrase was removed sometime in late April or early May, archives hosted by the Wayback Machine show. ...
laid-back workplace is going corporate), Google has removed its unofficial motto from its code of conduct. Previously, the company’s corporate code of conduct included this simple yet powerful edict: “Don’t be evil.” But now, that’s no longer the case. As Gizmodo reports, ...
Google's infamous "Don't be evil" motto was quietly removed from the company's Code of Conduct in mid-2018. In some ways this makes sense. We've learnt anything from the past five years, it's that what constitutes "evil" can be extremely subjective. This lawsuit also demonstrates the ...
Remember back in 2018, when Google removed "don't be evil" from its code of conduct? It's been living up to that removal lately. At its annual I/O in San Francisco this week, the search giant finally lifted the lid on its vision for AI-integrated search — and that vision, apparent...
Google has been scrutinized, chastised, and criticized about privacy issues lately, so if this is an area they tread they’ll do so lightly, and we’ll continue sleeping with one eye open. Let’s hope the company that beats the “don’t be evil” drum louder than anyone else stays true...
The idea that the Internet may be viewed as a utility is certainly not a new one. The fact that you don’t own your data on “the Internet” is just odd. JonKnowsNothing•May 22, 2023 11:27 PM @ Clive, Lawrence Dol, ALL, ...
Google’s former code of conduct, after all, used to say specifically, “Don’t be evil,” and many contest that aiding in military operations, even those mounted by the United States, could potentially encroach on questionable territory for the tech company. Of course, ...
Epic then added insult to injury, releasing a video parodying Apple’s iconic “1984” ad, casting Apple in the role of villain. It also threw Google’s “Don’t Be Evil” slogan back at the tech company, and accused the firm of having “relegated its motto to nearly an afterthought....