首先,处理MS 格式暂时不用考虑Docs同Sheets:它们无法直接调用Google Drive中既有的MS Office文档及表格。
首先,处理MS 格式暂时不用考虑Docs同Sheets:它们无法直接调用Google Drive中既有的MS Office文档及表格。
Google发布iPad版Docs 谷歌今天宣布推出在线编辑器Docs的iPad版本,只要在iPad上打开移动版Google Docs,就可以自动扩展成最合适的大小,各种按钮都按照触摸屏使用习惯设计,使用起来非常流畅舒适。 不过美中不足的是,移动版本和桌面版本由于浏览器的差异难以做到完全一致,Google正在尽力缩小这一差距。
适用于 iOS 的 Google Docs、Sheets 和 Slides 在近日的更新中,添加了对微软 Office 文件的本地编辑支持。目前个人、企业账户的所有谷歌用户都可以使用该功能。这项功能允许用户在 iPhone或者 iPad 上,在 Docs、Sheets 和 Slides 中编辑、注释和协作 微软Office 文档。谷歌表示通过这项功能,为 iOS 用户带来了处...
iPad iPhone 描述 Google Forms built-in! Office for Google Docs is the ultimate everyday productivity app that helps you view and share on the go. With Google Docs, Sheets, Slides all in one app, Office for Google Documents is the destination for checking documents on the fly when you need...
iPhone iPad Description Create, edit, and collaborate on online documents with the Google Docs app. Work together in real time • Share documents with your team • Edit, comment, and add action items in real time • Never lose changes or previous versions of your document with version hi...
Google's Docs and Sheets apps, which allow users to create and edit Word and Excel files on iOS, were updated Tuesday with native resolution support for the 12.9-inch iPad Pro The updatesare available on the App Store, landing noticeably late, months after the iPad Pro was released in Nove...
Google Sheets and other programs like it are flexible, able to be used for multiple purpose across many different fields. As such Google Sheets for IPAD may work fine for you but for my job and how I use it I spend more time hitting roadblocks and having to open my computer to accomplis...
GoDocs for Google Docs Publisher's Description ★ View Documents With most common document formats support you can read and view all your documents on-the-go, with the ease and speed of iPhone or iPad. ★ Download for Offline Download any document and you will be able to read it without ...
google docs(谷歌文档客户端)是一款手机文档管理应用,您可以在手机上轻松管理各类文件,支持编辑和新建文档,是办公的小助手。 官方介绍 GDocs for Android 是一款为 Android 用户打造的 Google Docs 在线文档客户端,支持创建、编辑、查看、导入、导出、发送和与帐号同步在线文档。 详细功能: 多账户支持 支持Google ...