Best Buy 使用Contact Center AI 来帮助其客服人员为每一次与客户的互动生成摘要 观看视频 2:58 MLB 使用Vertex AI 和BigQuery 将直播比赛与其 Statcast 数据集实时进行比较,并分享最新的球员分析数据 观看视频 2:21 Estée Lauder 使用Vertex AI 和 Gemini 简化内部流程,包括翻译和撰写广告文案 观看视频 2:56 Hack...
Tendocs Documents Teradata Tesseron Asset Tesseron Basic Data Tesseron Invoice Tesseron Ticket Text Analytics Text Request The Bot Platform The Brønnøysund Registries (Independent Publisher) The Color (Independent Publisher) The Events Calendar The Guardian (Independent Publisher) The IT Tipster The ...
text &markers=color:red|size:mid|45,-110 后者:Azure Maps 通过在 URL 中指定pins参数,将标记添加到静态地图图像。 与 Google Maps 一样,可以在此参数中指定样式和位置列表。 可以指定pins参数多次,以支持采用不同样式的标记。 text &pins=iconType|pinStyles||pinLocation1|pinLocation2|... ...
How to wrap text around an image in Google Docs By default, when you insert an image in Google Docs, the image is set to appear in line with the text. This means the image will be treated like a piece of text, which can create some really awkward breaks between paragraphs (as shown...
Tendocs Documents Teradata Tesseron Asset Tesseron Basic Data Tesseron Invoice Tesseron Ticket Text Analytics Text Request The Bot Platform The Brønnøysund Registries (Independent Publisher) The Color (Independent Publisher) The Events Calendar The Guardian (Independent Publisher) The IT Tipster The ...
After testing nearly 100 add-ons, here's a roundup of the 15 best add-ons to extend the functionality of Google Docs. The 15 best Google Docs add-ons Super Styles for creating unlimited custom text styles Screenplay Formatter for applying basic screenplay formats Code Blocks for turning ...
Tendocs Documents Teradata Tesseron Asset Tesseron Basic Data Tesseron Invoice Tesseron Ticket Text Analytics Text Request The Bot Platform The Brønnøysund Registries (Independent Publisher) The Color (Independent Publisher) The Events Calendar The Guardian (Independent Publisher) The IT Tipster The ...
You may obtain a word count for a selected section of text, as shown here in Google Docs on the web (left), and the Google Docs Android (middle) and iOS (right) apps. What’s included and excluded in the word count? Google Docs can display the: ...
unit- A text abbreviation for unit of time. For example,"M"for month. Accepted values are"Y","M","D","MD","YM","YD". "Y": the number of whole years betweenstart_dateandend_date. "M": the number of whole months betweenstart_dateandend_date. ...