This will automatically add another item to your list, such as the number or bullet list. Multi-level checklists Creating a multi-level checklist in Google Docs is easy too. To do so, move your cursor to the start of a list item and hit the tab key or press the Increase indent ...
1. 2 spaces after a numbered list. 4 space indent for wrapped text. 2. 2 spaces again. * 3 spaces after a bullet. 4 space indent for wrapped text. 1. 2 spaces after a numbered list. 8 space indent for the wrapped text of a nested list. 2. Looks nice, don't it? * 3 spaces...
You can use indentations to control the spaces between bullet points and the text that connects them, too. To automatically adjust how a text box interacts with the text within it, use the Autfo-fit function. This is found directly below the Indentation tool. You can choose from Do not ...
8 space indent for the wrapped text of a nested list.2.Looks nice, don't it?*3 spaces after a bullet. The following works, but it's very messy: *One space, with no indent for wrapped text.1.Irregular nesting... DO NOT DO THIS. Even when there's no nesting, using the 4 space...
系统标签: googletoolsdocscalendardocumentscontacts GoogleTools Presentedby: TimHite ResourceCoordinator InfoLine/2-1-1Summit Akron,OH thite@infolineinc Google'sMissionandPhilosophy MISSION Google'smissionistoorganizetheworld'sinformationandmakeit universallyaccessibleanduseful. PHILOSOPHY-10ThingsGooglehasfoundtobe...