Ed Sheeran cover Storm(s) is Lorenzo Tempesti's electronic music branch. He has published two EPs, "Feeling vibes" and "Still alive". His new release, "Proudly into the future", has a more techno flavour and includes the unpublished title track plus other three eardrum-killers!
While it was able to recognize and play tracks by artists like Ed Sheeran and Linkin Park, asking it to play ‘Highway to Hell’ disappointingly turned up no response. I was faced with similar problems while asking it to play global playlists or artists such as Mac Miller, My Chemical Rom...
It's based around three tabs, Home, Explore and Library. Home is a mixture of everything, Explore lets you easily find new music, like new releases, as well as dive into moods or genres. The Library tab serves up playlists as well as any imported music you brought over from Googl...