GOOGLE_DISALLOW_EVIL_CONSTRUCTORS(CopyingOstreamOutputStream); }; CopyingOstreamOutputStream copying_output_; CopyingOutputStreamAdaptor impl_; GOOGLE_DISALLOW_EVIL_CONSTRUCTORS(OstreamOutputStream); }; 1) OstreamOutputStream本身继承ZeroCopyOutputStream 2) 有个内置类Copying...,继承CopyingOutputStream 3) ...
DISALLOW_EVIL_CONSTRUCTORS(AboutChromeView); }; 通过关于对话框的分析,可以理解到chrome浏览器窗口基本组成,以及窗口继承关系,还有事件的响应方式。前面三次分析,主要是入门的分析,也是了解这么一个大工程的一种手段。比如测试整个工程是否可以编译,是否可以修改代码等等。后面的分析会以浏览器输入HTTP连接开始,直到打开...
If you explicitly declare a non-default constructor for class FooTest (DISALLOW_EVIL_CONSTRUCTORS() does this), then you need to define a default constructor, even if it would be empty. If FooTest has a const non-static data member, then you have to define the default constructor and ...
#160 bool have_suggest_results_; #161 #162 DISALLOW_EVIL_CONSTRUCTORS(SearchProvider); #163 }; #164 在这个类里先调用函数 SearchProvider::Start 来获取缺省的搜索引擎,然后停止以前的搜索,接着 SearchProvider::Run()函数里使用 URLFetcher 获取数据回来,它的代码如下: #001 void SearchProvider::Run()...
My compiler complains that a constructor (or destructor) cannot return a value. What's going on? My SetUp() function is not called. Why? I have several test suites which share the same test fixture logic, do I have to define a new test fixture class for each of them? This seems pret...
RE2 is a fast, safe, thread-friendly alternative to backtracking regular expression engines like those used in PCRE, Perl, and Python. It is a C++ library. - re2/re2/ at f07ea7a34be9f2b5f024061598b83aa8980a1a8d · google/re2
如果违反该规则,则可能不会立即产生后果,但是测试可能(仅仅是可能)会因新的编译器(或您正在使用的新版本的编译器)或新版本的googletest而中断。 因此,最好遵循该规则。 为什么googletest支持EXPECT_EQ(NULL,ptr)和ASSERT_EQ(NULL,ptr)但不支持EXPECT_NE(NULL,ptr)和ASSERT_NE(NULL,ptr)?
GOOGLE_DISALLOW_EVIL_CONSTRUCTORS(OstreamOutputStream); }; 1) OstreamOutputStream本身继承ZeroCopyOutputStream 2) 有个内置类Copying...,继承CopyingOutputStream 3) 及成员变量copying_output_和一个impl_ 我们先看看OstreamOutputStream和copying_output_、impl_是怎么交互的。
If you explicitly declare a non-default constructor for class FooTest (DISALLOW_EVIL_CONSTRUCTORS() does this), then you need to define a default constructor, even if it would be empty. If FooTest has a const non-static data member, then you have to define the default constructor and ini...
GOOGLE_DISALLOW_EVIL_CONSTRUCTORS(OstreamOutputStream); }; 1) OstreamOutputStream本身继承ZeroCopyOutputStream 2) 有个内置类Copying...,继承CopyingOutputStream 3) 及成员变量copying_output_和一个impl_ 我们先看看OstreamOutputStream和copying_output_、impl_是怎么交互的。