Google was working on a natural language device similar to Amazon’s Echo back in 2013, more than a year before Amazon’sbreakthrough devicewas released. During a meeting Wednesday at the Google I/O developer conference, two Google execs–VP of Google Assistant Scott Huffman and VP/...
Amazon Echo 和 Google Home 的功能有少许不同,但导致我情感变化的根本原因与此无关。我对 Alexa 所有的感觉可归结为两个再也简单不过的用户体验设计差异。产品名字 在职业生涯中,我了解到最重要的用户体验改进经常源自于 microcopy(意指用户界面上帮助用户做某些操作的小段文字)。这对于 Amazon Echo 来说再正...
TheEcho linerevolves around Amazon's "Alexa" voice assistant, which handles tasks like search, music playback, product/service orders, and smarthome functions. Google's device would presumably handle similar tasks, with the benefit of the company's more established voice and search technology....
亚马逊几年前通过Amazon Echo设备推出Alexa助手时,他要说它最终将成为今年全年投放市场的大量设备的先驱。 多年来,Amazon Echo设备不断发展,并且变得越来越有用,尤其是由于有了与房屋的人口特性兼容,为了能够打开灯,关闭空调,由特定歌手播放音乐,提供交通信息,将日历安排告知我们... 在过去的一年中,我们多次谈到苹果...
For the first time ever, Google Home devices haveoutsold Amazon Echo devices. Canalys reports that in the first quarter of 2018, Google sold 3.2 million Google Home units, compared to Amazon’s 2.1 million Echo units. Of course, it is worth nothing thatEcho deviceshave outsold Google Home ...
第四,Google Home支持更多的免费音乐软件,而不想Amazon Echo一样几乎都需要购买才能听到音乐。 第一个功能 我们先看第一个新增功能,利用 Google Home 拨打电话。事实上智能音箱的“通话功能”是 Amazon Echo率先提出的,但是 Google 把这个事情给做实了,Google将在两个月后推出免提通话功能(Hans-free calling)。Goog...
The device is seen as a competitor toAmazon Echo, the internet-connected wireless speaker wrapped around adigital personal assistant named Alexa. Chirp is unlikely to launch atGoogle's I/O developers conferencenext week but is expected to debut sometime this year, Recode reported. ...
我有一台 Amazon Echo,还有一台 Google Home。 其实是两台 Google Home。上个月去美国的时候,看行李箱还有空,顺手又买了第二台 Google Home。 朱老师经常批评我乱买东西,比她买包还勤快。我振振有词,工作需要。做为一名优秀的创业者,我应该对各种各样新的科技产品保持敏锐。
The connected smart home speaker device is slowly becoming a popular platform following Amazon's success withEchoandEcho Dot. Apple isrumoredto be entering the space with a Siri-enabled alternative, which might havefacial recognitionbut is otherwise thought to offer many of the same search inquiries...
Move over, Amazon Echo. You may not be the only touchscreen smart home device on the market. Google might be working on a similar product.