登录 继续使用 Google 云端平台 电子邮件地址或电话号码 忘记了电子邮件地址? 您用的不是自己的电脑?请使用访客模式无痕登录。 详细了解如何使用访客模式 下一步 创建账号简体中文 帮助 隐私权 条款
Build with Gemini, our largest and most capable AI model.Get an API key. 本頁面由Cloud Translation API翻譯而成。 聰明智慧 加速運送 透過開放式整合式解決方案激發創造力並簡化工作流程。 Gemini 2.0 簡介 立即開始建構 Android 提供各種現代化工具,協助您在各種 Android 裝置上打造符合使用者需求的體驗。
Google登录需要在https://console.cloud.google.com/-> APIs&Services -> Credentials,注册Oauth2.0客户端,得到ClientId后将ClientId配置到代码中。 我测试时,Webclient这一项是自动生成的。然后使用密钥SHA-1,手动添加类型为Android的client(如果需要debug和release两个key,则创建两个Android的client)。其中要注意的是,...
This post number six in my six part beginning Google Development series, which started with the postGoogle Development for beginnersand continued withregistering a project with Google,Google Developers console APIsand then we createdpublic API key credentials, andOAuth 2.0 credentials. Now we are goin...
Step 1: Goto cloud console --> API and services Step 2: Enable API and Services Step 3: Search for 'Google Earth Engine API' Step 4: Make sure 'Google Earth Engine API' is enabled Step 5: Instead of ee.Initialize() use ee.Initialize(project='project_id') Hope this works 👍 12...
1.进入 Google Play Console ,在 All apps 页面,点击 Create app,创建游戏应用程序。2.补全应用信息2.3 创建 Play 游戏服务1.进入 Google Play Console,在左侧导航栏中,点击 Grow > Play Games Services > Setup and management > Configuration。2.在 Properties 模块点击 Edit properties。
I am following Google's (quite outdated) official guide and so far everything has gone well, up until display of the sign-up UI where the onFailure listener returns an error when I build and run my app: com.google.android.gms.common.api.ApiException: 10: Develop...
Google登录需要在https://console.cloud.google.com/-> APIs&Services -> Credentials,注册Oauth2.0客户端,得到ClientId后将ClientId配置到代码中。 我测试时,Webclient这一项是自动生成的。然后使用密钥SHA-1,手动添加类型为Android的client(如果需要debug和release两个key,则创建两个Android的client)。其中要注意的是...
Service to Service APITo use this method you need to first generate a JSON Key File through the Google Developers Console.There is another option which involves downloading a .p12 file and then converting it to a pem file using the openssl command. It’s no longer recommended by Google, ...
Google API Client Secret: Refer to Step 4 of the Supervisor Authentication Model section Refresh Token For Google Oauth: Refer to Step 6 of the Supervisor Authentication Model section Go toGoogle Cloud Console APIs & ServicesDashboard Choose a project to link with your Google Play admin account ...