That’s impressive work that shows deep neural nets flexing their muscles once again. Perhaps more impressive still is that the model uses a relatively small amount of memory unlike other approaches that use gigabytes of the stuff. “Our model uses only 377 MB, which eve...
Deep neural networks have learnt to do an amazing array of tasks - from recognising and reasoning about objects in images to playing Atari and Go at super-human levels. As these tasks and network architectures become more complex, the solutions that neural networks learn become more difficult to...
Deep neural networks are composed of many individual neurons, which combine in complex and counterintuitive ways to solve a wide range of challenging tasks. This complexity grants neural networks their power but also earns them their reputation as confusing and opaque black boxes. Understanding how d...
[2] Tang, Yun , et al. "Improving Speech Translation by Understanding and Learning from the Auxiliary Text Translation Task." (2021). [3] Mirsamadi, Seyedmahdad , and J. H. L. Hansen . "A Study on Deep Neural Network Acoustic...
[3] Mirsamadi, Seyedmahdad , and J. H. L. Hansen . "A Study on Deep Neural Network Acoustic Model Adaptation for Robust Far-field Speech Recognition." Interspeech 2015. 本文来自陈孝良科学网博客。 链接地址:
一个Progressive networks 是由单列的网络开始的:a deep neural network having L layers with hidden activationsh(1)ihi(1),其中,ni 是第 i 层的单元个数,以及参数 训练到收敛。 当切换到第二个网络的时候,我们固定住参数 ,并用随机初始化的方式,开始第二个任务,其参数记为 ...
Acceleratingdeep network trainingby reducing internal covariate shift Rethinking the Inception Architecture for Computer Vision 其中,第一篇是提出了一个重要的概念:Batch Normalization,是针对内部协变量偏移问题的,简单的说就是加速训练过程。把BN作为激活层之前的另外一个网络层,可以加速网络训练的收敛速度。 第二篇...
Mastering the Game of Go with Deep Neural Networks and Tree Search论文链接 本文将分析AlphaGo的这篇Nature文章,去解密真人工智能的奥秘! 1 AlphaGo的“大脑”是怎样的 深度神经网络是AlphaGo的“大脑”,我们先把它当做一个黑匣子,有输入端,也有输出端,中间具体怎么处理先不考虑。那么AlphaGo的”大脑“实际上分成...
TensorFlow 是用于机器学习任务的开源软件。它的创建者 Google 希望提供一个强大的工具以帮助开发者探索和建立基于机器学习的应用,所以他们在去年作为开源项目发布了它。TensorFlow 是一个非常强大的工具,专注于一种称为深层神经网络deep neural network(DNN)的神经网络。
Mastering the Game of Go with Deep Neural Networks and Tree Search 本文将分析AlphaGo的这篇Nature文章,去解密真人工智能的奥秘! 1 AlphaGo的”大脑“是怎样的 深度神经网络是AlphaGo的”大脑“,我们先把它当做一个黑匣子,有输入端,也有输出...