登录 继续使用 Google 云端平台 电子邮件地址或电话号码 忘记了电子邮件地址? 您用的不是自己的电脑?请使用访客模式无痕登录。 详细了解如何使用访客模式 下一步 创建账号简体中文 帮助 隐私权 条款
In the Google Cloud console, on the project selector page, select or create a Google Cloud project. Note: If you don't plan to keep the resources that you create in this procedure, create a project instead of selecting an existing project. After you finish these steps, you can delete th...
使用Vertex AI 部署和管理 AI 应用,以及使用 Gemini Code Assist 获得任务和代码编写方面的帮助。 免费开始使用 AI 开发者指南 Gemini on Vertex AI 简介 AI 驱动的应用 使用LangChain 在 Vertex AI 中构建依托 AI 技术的应用 任务辅助 使用Gemini 简化软件开发生命周期内的各项工作 代码协助 在Gemini 代码助手的...
1.进入 Google Play Console ,在 All apps 页面,点击 Create app,创建游戏应用程序。2.补全应用信息2.3 创建 Play 游戏服务1.进入 Google Play Console,在左侧导航栏中,点击 Grow > Play Games Services > Setup and management > Configuration。2.在 Properties 模块点击 Edit properties。
打开此链接,新建Google Cloud项目(已创建可以跳过)https://console.cloud.google.com/projectcreate 注意:最新Google Play后台不需要关联Google Cloud项目,请确保访问Google Cloud时使用和Google Play相同的谷歌账号,防止有问题时影响其他开发者账号 启用Google Play Developer API 打开下方链接选择启用(确保顶部显示的...
Cast SDK Developer Console Chrome Web Store Dashboard Google Home Developer Console Android Chrome Firebase Google Cloud Platform Google AI 所有產品 條款 隱私權 訂閱Google for Developers 電子報 訂閱 資訊 即時通訊 API 頁面資訊 bug_reportfullscreen close 以上為本頁所有資訊。
Select the CREATE button.Save the Client ID and Client Secret for use in the app's configuration.When deploying the site, either: Update the app's redirect URI in the Google Console to the app's deployed redirect URI. Create a new Google API registration in the Google Console for the ...
You can test your Action on any Google Assistant-enabled device on which the Assistant is signed into the same account used to create this project. Just say or type, “OK Google, talk to my test app”. You can also use the Actions on Google Console simulator to test most features and ...
Once signed in, navigate tohttps://cloud.google.com/console/projectand clickCreate Project: Give the project a name and clickCreate Project ClickGoogle Cloud Platformthen clickGo To APIs Overview: ClickAPI Libraryand enable the following APIs: ...
访问https://console.developers.google.com/apis/credentials?project=或https://console.cloud.google.com/projectselector2/iam-admin/serviceaccounts?supportedpurview=project,然后点击创建密钥(Create Key)按钮下载包含API密钥的文件(建议用json格式)。