"colab_type": "text" }, "source": [ "### Other Details and Advanced Options" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { "id": "WuDoERN0lx4a", "colab_type": "text" }, "source": [ "* When running TF-Coder, you can set the time limit, the number of solutions to...
那么调用 /api/gdurl/tgbot 这个接口的IP地址必须是 TG_IPLIST 数组的其中之一// 如果不设置这个值,则默认任何IP都可以调用此接口(考虑到后面还有个 tg username的白名单验证)constTG_IPLIST=['tg-ip-address']module.exports={AUTH,PARALLEL_LIMIT,RETRY_LIMIT,TIMEOUT_BASE,TIMEOUT_MAX,LOG_DELAY,PAGE_...
wekaKMeans wekaLVQ wekaXMeans ee.ConfusionMatrix ee.ConfusionMatrix accuracy array consumersAccuracy fscore kappa order producersAccuracy ee.Date ee.Date advance aside difference evaluate format fromYMD get getFraction getInfo getRange getRelative millis parse serialize unitRatio update ee.DateRange ...
ee.Blob ee.Blob string url ee.Classifier amnhMaxent confusionMatrix decisionTree decisionTreeEnsemble explain libsvm load minimumDistance mode schema setOutputMode smileCart smileGradientTreeBoost smileKNN smileNaiveBayes smileRandomForest spectralRegion train ee.Clusterer schema train wekaCascadeKMeans ...
Here’s the explanation:when using Google Colab, any files you upload will not be permanently available. Colab is a temporary environment that has a 90-minute idle timeout and a 12-hour absolute timeout. This means that if the runtime remains idle for 90 minutes, or has been active fo...
NVIDIA TensorRT是一个高性能深度学习推理平台。它包括深度学习推理优化器和运行时,可为深度学习推理应用...
那么调用 /api/gdurl/tgbot 这个接口的IP地址必须是 TG_IPLIST 数组的其中之一// 如果不设置这个值,则默认任何IP都可以调用此接口(考虑到后面还有个 tg username的白名单验证)constTG_IPLIST = ['tg-ip-address']module.exports = { AUTH, PARALLEL_LIMIT, RETRY_LIMIT, TIMEOUT_BASE, TIMEOUT_MAX, LOG...
Before opening this issue, I did a lot of research to try to figure out the reason for the problem, but I really couldn't find a solution. As I don't have any GPU with more than 8gb, I tried to use Google Colab to perform specific training for images with vertical text (ISO Conta...
loading_timeout : (float), default=2 Page loading timeout. Less for fast and more for slow internet. Download images easy_response.download(keywords, output_dir="easy_images_dir", max_limit=10, image_formats={".jpg", ".jpeg", ".png"}, remove_duplicates=False) keywords : (str / dic...
ee.Array ee.Array abs accum acos add and argmax asin atan atan2 bitCount bitsToArray bitwiseAnd bitwiseNot bitwiseOr bitwiseXor byte cat cbrt ceil cos cosh cut digamma divide dotProduct double eigen eq erf erfInv erfc erfcInv exp first firstNonZero float floor gamma gammainc get gt gte ...