Storage Download Public File.source code Enable Bucket Lifecycle Managementsource code Storage Enable Bucket Versioning.source code Enable Default Event Based Holdsource code Enable Default KMS Keysource code Enable Requester Payssource code Enable Uniform Bucket Level Accesssource code ...
cloudbackupencryptiongoogle-cloud-storagehacktoberfestdeduplication UpdatedFeb 14, 2025 Go kahing/goofys Star5.3k a high-performance, POSIX-ish Amazon S3 file system written in Go golangfusefilesystemaws-s3s3google-cloud-storagecloud-storages3-bucketposixgcsopenstack-swiftazure-storagefuse-filesystemazu...
Google Cloud Storage Last modified: 07 April 2023 Connect to Google Cloud Storage In theBig Data Toolswindow, clickand selectGoogle Cloud Storage. In theBig Data Toolsdialog that opens, specify the connection parameters: Name: the name of the connection to distinguish it between the other...
In theHostsfield on theOriginspage, enter the appropriate address for your Host using the format<BUCKET> For example, if your bucket name istest123, your hostname would For the initialEdit this hostfields: In theNamefield, enter any d...
GoogleCloudStorageLocation public GoogleCloudStorageLocation() Creates an instance of GoogleCloudStorageLocation class.Method Details bucketName public Object bucketName() Get the bucketName property: Specify the bucketName of Google Cloud Storage. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). ...
Common request headers The following are common request headers for GET object requests. HeaderDescriptionRequired AuthorizationThe authentication string for the request. Required for objects without public read access.Maybe HostThe URI for Cloud Storage. For more information, seeRequest Endpoints.Yes ...
Storagestorage=newStorage(HTTP_TRANSPORT,JSON_FACTORY,credential); 现在您已经有了新的Storage对象,可以开始向 该 API。此处,您发出了检索特定项bucketObjectName的请求 从存储分区bucket中移除。该库会处理从Google Cloud Storage,然后将内容输出到 控制台: ...
gsutil is a Python application that lets you access Google Cloud Storage from the command line. You can use gsutil to do a wide range of bucket and object management tasks, including: Creating and deleting buckets. Uploading, downloading, and deleting objects. ...
BucketName Specify the bucketName of Google Cloud Storage. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). FileName Specify the file name of dataset. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). (Inherited from DatasetLocation) FolderPath Specify the folder path of dataset. T...
Server to use OIDC with Google Cloud Storage, you must first create a Google Cloud service account, then create a Google Cloud identity pool and identity provider, and finally configure GitHub Enterprise Server to use the provider and service account...