登录 继续使用 Google 云端平台 电子邮件地址或电话号码 忘记了电子邮件地址? 您用的不是自己的电脑?请使用访客模式无痕登录。 详细了解如何使用访客模式 下一步 创建账号简体中文 帮助 隐私权 条款
Ancoris was one of the first companies globally to achieve theGoogle Cloud Location-based Services specialisation. This award from Google Cloud recognises both the support we offer to our customers to supply the Maps Platform licences, and also the added value of our consultancy services, all with...
One Cloud, endless possibilities Google Cloud is a set of solutions and products, including Google Cloud Platform, Google Maps Platform and G Suite, that can help you solve your toughest business challenges.
Google Maps Platform 提供地點、路徑與地圖介面集,讓企業能利用平台上合計超過 200 個國家與地區的資料來提供服務與拓展事業。Google Maps Platform 上的資料每日更新達 2,500 萬次,透過高頻率的更新確保資料的準確與即時性,讓企業使用時能更安心無虞。
Google Cloud: Google Maps Platform Support Holidays See the Technical Support and Services Guidelines for products covered. The following holidays are non-business days for Google Maps Platform Support in the Americas, EMEA, and Asia Pacific. Please be advised that support requests received during the...
首先我们进入Google的地图开发平台,点击:Google Maps进入,建议你使用Google Chrome进行访问。 一、设置Google Cloud 项目 点击这里的创建新项目按钮。 输入名字后,点击创建。 然后我们进入API和服务,然后你就会发现你需要设置账号信息和付款验证信息,这一步还挺麻烦的,主要是那个卡的信息,在前面我已经提...
Maps Static API Places API Roads API Time Zone API Java 1.8 or later ACloud projectwith the relevant API(s) enabled AnAPI keyassociated with the project above API Key Security The Java Client for Google Maps Services is designed for use in both server and Android applications. In either cas...
An unofficial Google Maps Platform client library for the Rust programming language. google geocoding maps directions google-maps google-cloud elevation elevation-data google-api google-maps-api rust-programming-language google-map distance-matrix-api google-maps-services geocoding-api directions-api google...
1.1 Google Mobile Services 与 Google Play Services GMS,是 Google Mobile Services(Google 移动服务)的简称。 Google Play Services,是 Android 手机上的一套 Google 系统服务,包括:OAuth 授权体系、Games 游戏服务、Ads 广告服务、Maps 广告服务等。 一般认为,GMS 也就是 Google Play Services 的简称。 1.2 Goog...