Google Chrome is a freeware web browser developed by Google LLC. The development process is split into different "release channels", each working on a build in a separate stage of development. Chrome provides 4 channels: Stable, Beta, Dev, and Canary. On
1、首先在桌面上,点击“Google Chrome”图标。2、然后在该界面中,地址栏中输入“chrome://version/”。3、之后在该界面中,显示个人资料路径。4、接着在桌面上,点击“计算机”图标。5、然后在该界面中,地址栏中文件目录输入“C:\Users\CG\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default”。6、...
1、显示当前浏览器版本相关信息,比如:本地操作系统类型,js、Flash 软件的具体版本和个人资料存放位置等 1chrome://version 2、快速打开 Chrome浏览器的设置页面 1chrome://settings 3、快速退出Chrome浏览器 1chrome://quit 4、重启Chrome浏览器,并且重启以后,原来打开的页面依然保存,感觉这个功能还是比较实用的 1ch...
chrome://quit/ chrome://restart/ 它们分别可以实现退出和重启浏览器,其中那条重启的URL间接实现了一键重启浏览器的目的。 其他常用的 Chrome 命令还包括了: chrome://downloads/ 直接访问 Chrome 浏览器网页下载的文件。 chrome://history/ 直接访问 Chrome 浏览器访问的历史记录。 chrome://Apps/ 访问Chrome ...
谷歌浏览器96.0.4664.45 更新日期:2022-02-17 文件大小:195MB ... 谷歌浏览器91.0.4472.77 更新日期:2021-06-07 文件大小:173MB ... 谷歌浏览器90.0.4430.210 更新日期:2023-12-05 文件大小:94.4MB ... 谷歌浏览器90.0.4430.82 更新日期:2021-06-02 文件大小:6.93MB ... 谷歌浏览器89.0.4389.105 更新日期...
If you have made a backup using File History, you can find the deleted/lost history by restoring Google Chrome to the Previous version. Please follow the next steps. Step 1: PressWin + Eto open the File Explorer. Step 2: Find the Google folder via the path mentioned in Method 2. ...
Version History Version 134.0.6998.33 Thanks for choosing Chrome! This version includes: • Get shopping insights that help you track prices, see price history and buy at the best time. • It's now easier to use your keyboard accessory to quickly select autofill suggestions when you're ...
Before you start writing take a moment to look over handbookand familiarize yourself with the process. Building the site 🏗 You'll need a recent version ofNode: v14 (LTS) or higher. To check your node version runnode -vin your terminal. ...
Step 3.Choose the version that contains the history you want. Click the "Restore" button to recover Chrome browser history. How to Recover Deleted History on Google Chrome Android Can you recover deleted history in Google Chrome on Android if you lost the browsing history due to accidental dele...
Why can’t I delete my Google search history? If you’re having trouble deleting your Google search history, it could be due to one of the following reasons: You’re using an older version of Chrome:If so, update to the latest version and try again. If you're already up to date, ...