请确保在尝试之前更新 Chrome 应用程序到最新版本,早期版本不支持此处讨论的功能。 我在Mac 版 Chrome 上对此进行操作步骤指导,但内存保护技巧也适用于 Windows PC。 如何启用 Chrome 内存保护模式 确保您使用的是 Chrome 版本 108.0.5359.124 或更高版本,如果您有一段时间没有更新 Chrome,则需要先更新才能使用此功能...
1. 确保您使用的是Chrome版本108.0.5359.124或更高版本,若长时间未更新,请先完成更新。2. 在地址栏输入chrome://flags/#high-efficiency-mode-available,启用内存保护模式。3. 接着,在chrome://settings/performance页面,选择内存保护模式。启用内存保护模式后,Chrome会从非活动选项卡中释放内存,...
切换此设置,使其“已启用” 重新启动 Chrome 浏览器 现在转到 Chrome 中的地址栏并转到: chrome://settings/performance 1. 找到“Memory Saver”并打开开关以启用该功能 重新启动 Chrome 以使更改完全生效 很快就会看到 Chrome 资源使用情况的差异,内存使用率和 CPU 使用率都较低。 为什么会有这种效果呢? Chrome ...
转到地址栏中的以下地址以访问 Chrome Flags: 1 chrome://flags/#high-efficiency-mode-available 切换此设置,使其“已启用” 重新启动 Chrome 浏览器 现在转到 Chrome 中的地址栏并转到: 1 chrome://settings/performance 找到“Memory Saver”并打开开关以启用该功能 重新启动 Chrome 以使更改完全生效 很快就会看...
Google Chrome has been using too much RAM. Now, we need it for iOS devices too, please. Chrome on iOS, like all other browsers, is just a repackaged WebView, so you’re essentially running Safari. There’s no real performance loss using Chrome on iOS over Safari, and...
While these are all great, make sure you occasionally check how much RAM you have. Chrome uses a lot of RAM, which can cause some older Macs to run slowly. It will help if you regularly clean up your Mac and clear your cache. Google Chrome shortcuts for Mac The Chrome browser for Ma...
Google Chrome has been using too much RAM. Now, we need it for iOS devices too, please. Agreed! Question is, why are these modes Va being baked into the app entirely and on by default, or is it?!?? On macOS I don’t rely on chrome as heavily as I do on my ...
Google Chrome may be most people’s favorite browser, but it’s far from perfect. One of its biggest flaws is how much of your computer’s RAM it eats up. Most laptops don’t come with a huge amount of RAM; once the allotted memory is full, the computer can’t process any more ac...
1.2 Close the Tabs That You Aren’t Using Another simple solution to fix “not enough memory to open this page” in Chrome is to close the tabs that you don’t need. We all like to open 10-15 tabs at the same time, but more tabs mean higher RAM consumption. ...
Google的Chrome浏览器是一个众所周知的内存吞噬者。我们在6月份曾报道过,谷歌打算尝试微软提供的Segment Heap技术,以减少Chrome浏览器1/3的RAM使用量,但最终发现会导致程序不稳定后放弃了这种方法。现在Tom's Guide报道,谷歌的Chrome开发者正计划尝试新的做法。