Shortcuts for Google™ - Chrome 应用商店,Shortcuts for Google™ - Chrome 应用商店, 从 1000 多款 Google 应用中选出一些作为快捷方式按钮,在节省空间的小窗口里显示
Chrome 浏览器插件下载&安装教程(图文讲解) 截图: 简介: 在一个节省空间的下拉面板中显示所有 Google 产品 “Google 产品快捷方式”扩展程序在浏览器的工具栏弹出窗口中列出了所有 Google 产品。单击图标将在新选项卡中打开产品。 手术: 单击:在当前选项卡旁边的新活动选项卡中打开 ...
Shortcuts for Google™ 是一款方便你访问谷歌服务的插件,集合了100多款 Google 应用,省去了存很多书签,把它们都集合到一起。 如果你经常使用谷歌的很多服务,那么这个插件是非常好用的,插件还支持自定义快捷方式。该插件跟《Black Menu for Google™》是同一个开发者。
Shortcuts for Google™ 是一款方便你访问谷歌服务的插件,集合了100多款 Google 应用,省去了存很多书签,把它们都集合到一起。 如果你经常使用谷歌的很多服务,那么这个插件是非常好用的,插件还支持自定 … 下载地址 下载说明 下载文件若出现其中一个渠道链接失效,可切换其其他渠道下载,若下载地址全部失效,请回复文...
上一张 Shortcuts for Google™ chrome谷歌浏览器插件_扩展截图 下一张 Shortcuts for Google™ chrome谷歌浏览器插件_扩展截图 简介: 从1000多款Google应用中选出一些作为快捷方式按钮,在节庆空间的小窗口里显示 在地址栏旁边的节省空间的弹出窗口中将所有 Google™ 服务显示为按钮。只需在浏览器中单击两次,...
Settings are now synced via chrome sync.Added some google shortcuts.Consumer Surveys - New Survey; Play - Artist Hub; Play Store - Apps; Play Store - Books; Play Store - Devices; Play Store - Magazines; Play Store - Movies; Play Store - Music; Play Store - Orders; Play Store - ...
You can access Primavera Administration functions in Google Chrome using the following keyboard shortcuts.Action Shortcut Access the Home page Alt + H Access the Help menu Alt + P Cancel Alt + R Save Alt + S Zoom In Ctrl + + Zoom Out Ctrl + - Selects the Errors button when it...
You are about to download theShortcuts for Google Products 1.1.3 Extension crx file for Chrome based browsers: Shortcuts for Google™ Products is an extension that lists Google products in your browser's toolbar popup. Clicking on an icon will open the ... ...
The growing popularity of Google Chrome is partly due to the short cycles of updating the browser, which allows developers to add new features to it and increase stability as soon as possible. Since launch, Google has been updating the application every 6 weeks, and now the sixteenth version ...
You are about to download theShortcuts for Google Products 1.1.6 Extension crx file for Chrome based browsers: Shortcuts for Google™ Products is a Chrome extension to access all Google products in single space-saving toolbar popup. New updates: 1. Drag and ... ...