借助Google 学术搜索,您可以轻松地大范围搜索学术文献。搜索范围囊括众多知识领域和来源:文章、论文、图书、摘要和法院判决意见书。
Although this isn't specifically a search engine extension, I included it here because it enables you to access the DuckDuckGo private search engine without using the Chrome address bar. You can leave your default search engine as is and still use DuckDuckGo, without first having to navigate to...
主要原因是 Google Chrome 没有我想要的两个功能(或扩展):SearchStatus (在不安装 Google Toolbar 和 Alexa Toolbar 的情况下,显示 Google PageRank 及 Alexa Rank 的信息)和 QuickJava (快速屏蔽 JavaScript 功能,—— 为了安全,除了访问 Google 帐户,我访问其他任何网站从来都是关闭 JavaScript 功能)。好在 Goo...
Bard AI Chat Extension GPT 4 Summary with OpenAI Search Copilot AI Assistantfor Chrome TinaMInd A...
Search anything, your cursor will be placed on the google translate input. "CaretSet - Automatic Text Cursor Placement for Google Translate" ➡️1. Add CareSet to Chrome ➡️2. Search anything that shows up in the Google Translate translation block✅Your Caret (Text Cursor) is placed...
Persistent Google Search Bar0.1.2 2024-01-11 3 点击下载 离线安装教程 谷歌商店 介绍 快速修复,使搜索栏在滚动期间保持在顶部 这种轻量级扩展使谷歌搜索栏(灰色的)无论你向下滚动多远都保持在顶部。我什至不明白为什么这还不是该网站的一部分。 查看更多 评分 3 共7 位用户参与评分 使用人数 200+ ...
3.GrowthBar Price: Free for 5 days, then $29/mo GrowthBaris a simple chrome extension that gives you instant access to critical SEO data points about any website and unlocks the growth channels and keywords that are working for them. ...
Also, don’t miss the opportunity tolevel up your productivity with these SEO Chrome extensions(all free): 15 Best Free SEO Chrome Extensions (Tried & Tested in 2023) Now, please let me know if you have any questions. And feel free to share your experience with this topic in the comment...
下载: 教程: Chrome 浏览器插件下载&安装教程(图文讲解) 截图: 简介: 恢复垃圾 UX 导航栏。 将Google 搜索顶部的菜单栏恢复为之前的设计。 评分: 3.8星(共5星),共4位用户参与评分 使用人数: 32+ 位用户 版本: 0.2.6 大小: 14.35KB 分类: 生产工具 ...
Tool to view search volume and CPC at Google Analytics, Search Console, UberSuggest, Soovle & more. Keywords Everywhere is an absolute must-have extension for Google Chrome. It will show you search volume and competition for keywords found on different websites. It will automatically find the se...