配置如上图 点击新建情景模式 填上local 点击创建创建成功后点击local 协议选 http 代理服务器填 代理端口填 80 如下图如上图 点击自动切换条件类型选择 网址正则条件设置填写 :\/\/www\.google\.com...
which may create several hassles. In yourWindows 10computer or laptop, whenever you attempt to reach any websites through chrome browser, it might show some connection error or no internet connection. In addition to that, it would show you an error name, i.e., “ERR_PROXY_CONNECTION_FAILED...
Google Chrome浏览器代理proxy的设置方法 打开google chrome浏览器,点击右上角的图标,找到设置按钮,如下图所示。 在新打开的设置页面,选择最下面的高级设置,在其中找到网络,下面选择更改代理服务器设置。 在新打开的页面中,选择设置按钮,如下图所示。 在代理服务器设置下面,使用对勾,然后添加上将ip位址和(Port)填入进...
It's possible that corrupt registry files are responsible for the ERR_PROXY_CONNECTION_FAILED error on Google Chrome. In order to fix this error, you need to clean them, preferably with a registry cleaning app. Once the cleaning is done, open the web browser, and load the website. ...
ssl.SSLError: [SSL: WRONG_VERSION_NUMBER] wrong version number (_ssl.c:1056) urllib3.exceptions. MaxRetryError: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: / (Caused by ProxyError('Your proxy appears to only use HTTP and not HTTPS, try changing...
In Console I have this error and browser window is keep refreshing continuously with blank window. Is there any way I can give proxy server username and password from Chrome settings? This happens only in chrome non incognito mode. I tried with Incognito mode, it asks the ...
方法/步骤 1 第一步 :首先,小可爱们需要先在自己的电脑上打开安装好的浏览器,再在浏览器中打开浏览器的设置界面 2 第二步:小可爱们进入扩展程序页面,直接将SwitchySharp-0.9-beta-r48.crx拖进来进行安装即可 3 第三步:接下来,小可爱们需要配置SwitchySharp代理,设置完成之后,启用自动切换,并保存配置 4...
making them unusable. It's possible that corrupt registry files are responsible for the ERR_PROXY_CONNECTION_FAILED error on Google Chrome. In order to fix this error, you need to clean them, preferably with a registry cleaning app. Once the cleaning is done, open the web browser, and load...
Proxy302提供谷歌浏览器的专属插件,具体如下:第一步:点击菜单栏的【浏览器插件】,再点击下载即可;第二步:打开Google的插件,加载刚刚下载的文件即可完成;第三步:在代理IP操作盘中,选择需要的代理IP,点击【使用插件】;第四步:可以查看是否已经代理及IP信息,点击开关按钮可开启/关闭代理IP;总结 Proxy302...