Google Chromeis a popular web browser that offers fast performance, security, and customization. However, sometimes you mayencounter an errorwhen trying to install or update it on your Windows 10 computer. One of thecommon errorsis 0x80040707, which indicates a problem with the Windows Installer ...
error: Failed dependencies: lsb >= 4.0 is needed by google-chrome-stable-13.0.782.112-95650.i386 原因:缺少某些包的依赖关系。到http://rpm.pbone.net当中搜寻下面两个rpm包即可。 yum install pax* yum install redhat-lsb* 把上面两个包依次顺序安装即可。 最后可以顺利安装Google Chrome浏览器了。 $ ...
error: Failed dependencies: lsb >= 4.0 is needed by google-chrome-stable-13.0.782.112-95650.i386 原因:缺少某些包的依赖关系。到http://rpm.pbone.net当中搜寻下面两个rpm包即可。 yum install pax* yum install redhat-lsb* 把上面两个包依次顺序安装即可。 最后可以顺利安装Google Chrome浏览器了。 $ ...
I have tried many different ways to install Google Chrome on Windows 11. I had it working more than once, and then all of a sudden it wouldn't open. I've tried many different ways to install it such as direct from the website and also downloading the…
下载历史版本中的较新版本,本文选择如下版本,亲测可用。 安装: (1)点击相应版本下载 .deb文件,如:google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb (2)然后执行 sudo dpkg -i google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb 正常情况即安装成功,如有问题则 sudo apt-get install -y -f o了。
现在,您已经成功清除了SSL状态。关闭并重新启动Google Chrome浏览器,以验证错误是否已解决。 4,停用QUIC协议 QUIC的工作原理几乎与SSL(安全套接字层)协议相同,并由Chrome自动激活。有时,它与站点的SSL证书冲突,并显示“ err_SSL_protocol_error”消息。禁用QUIC协议可能有助于解决此问题。
Step 5. Finally, follow the on-screen instruction wizard to install the 32-bit version of Google Chrome in your system. You can now check if the issue still persists or not. If the problem is fixed, then the issue might be with the wrong version of Google Chrome that has got ...
5.1 [root@redhatos Downloads]#google-chrome--no-sandbox === reference 1)安装浏览器 # apt-get install gonme # apt-get update # apt-get install google-chrome-stable 2)启动Chrome浏览器 # google-chrome 这时会报错: [31560:31560:0207/] Running...
通过清除SSL状态来修复ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR 如果以上两种方法均无效,则接下来应尝试清除SSL状态。请按照以下步骤操作:首先,转到“自定义和控制Google Chrome”,即X(关闭)按钮下方显示的三个点。现在单击设置。向下滚动页面,然后打开“ 高级设置”。向下滚动或在搜索栏中搜索以打开打开代理设置。将打开一个名为...