以下均为题外内容,主要简单地解答评论区里的一些疑问。如果会用谷歌搜索引擎或者是计算机行业相关人士,直接忽略即可。 Q1: 链接打不开怎么办? 再试试。复制上面给出的链接到目前电脑上能用的浏览器中,回车,访问Go...
Ax_linux google browser install Step 1:download install parket wget Step 2: installing dpkg -igoogle-chrome-stable_*.deb Step 3: update depend on apt-get-f install apt-getinstall google-chrome-stable ok! APPLIX: find ...
Once ready, install the actual google chrome package: gdebi google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb Start Google Chrome To start Google Chrome, open up a terminal and run google-chrome command: google-chrome--no-sandbox But it is not safe to run google-chrome without sandbox. Run Google Chrom...
Install the Google Chrome .deb package by typing: sudo dpkg -i google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb Starting Google Chrome Now that Google Chrome is installed on your Ubuntu system you can start it either from the command line by typing google-chrome or by clicking on the Google Chrome ic...
安装步骤:首先去googlechrome官网,网站自动检测到了我的系统版本,并有推荐安装chrome版本的介绍,然后点击下载即可,用文档归档器保存。下载完成后,用ubuntu的软件中心打开下载的.deb包,点击安装即可,也没有遇到库依赖的问题。 添加到启动栏:首先在终端下用google-chrome-stable(google-chrome也一样)打开chrome浏览器,此时...
Google Chromeis a popular web browser that offers fast performance, security, and customization. However, sometimes you mayencounter an errorwhen trying to install or update it on your Windows 10 computer. One of thecommon errorsis 0x80040707, which indicates a problem with the Windows Installer ...
专属浏览器随身带 在您的移动设备或平板电脑上下载 Chrome 并登录您的账号,即可随时随地获得一致的浏览器体验。 下载Chrome 为您的手机获取 Chrome 关注我们 Chrome 系列 其他平台 Chromebook Chromecast 企业 Download Chrome Browser Chrome Browser for Enterprise Chrome 设备 ChromeOS Google Cloud ...
Get more done with the new Google Chrome. A more simple, secure and faster web browser than ever, with Google’s smarts built in. Download now.
还有一些参数,比如: installdataindex=defaultbrowser 的意思是安装后设置 Chrome 为默认浏览器,如果把 defaultbrowser 替换为 empty 就是不设置 Chrome 为默认浏览器 extra=stablechannel 的意思是指定下载的版本为稳定版,还有其他版本(betachannel、devchannel、canarychannel)分别是测试版、开发版、金丝雀版编辑...